
Monday, February 22, 2010

A Few Finishes

These socks are made from malibrigo yarn that was a gift from my friend, Pam, for my last birthday. I made these socks with the yarn, and they are soooooo warm and comfy. I still have some of the yarn left to make something else. I'm thinking....I finished this man's scarf. I had about a half skein to finish on this scarf. Now it's done.
I worked on this scarf in my down time while I was in Lafayette. This is an easy pattern at the misti alpaca website as a free download.
These are fleece blankets that I've crocheted around to donate to Project Linus.
Yes, this is a knit dishcloth. Doesn't everyone knit their own dishclothes? Ha Ha This is from the first Mason Dixon knitting book. I love both of their books. I have several more things started from that first book. When I found this dishcloth in a bag almost finished, it was on some really nice wooden needles that I needed to start yet another project. So in order to free up those needles, I finished this. There is more cotton yarn waiting to be worked up.
A day without knitting is like a day without sunshine.....or is that a day without raisins????????

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another Gift

I'm still sorting and organizing in my sewing room. This cute little tin was a gift from my friend, Vicki, at the Dear Jane retreat in Shipshewana last November. The tin is just the perfect size to hold my little basket blocks from When The Cold Wind Blows by Barb Adams and Alma Allen. Their books are always great.

Here are a few of the baskets that I have finished.

I bought this book at Lollys in Shipshewana during our fall retreat. You can become a Lollys fan on Facebook.Hope you are doing some stitching today.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful

We just finished digging out from a big snow storm. This was how it looked at the beginning. It was really pretty as it fell on the trees in our back yard.

Somehow I think the camera flash reflected off some of the snowflakes.

Bill just had his second cataract surgery last Thursday, so he can't lift anything over 10 or 15 pounds for about a week. I knew that snow was going to be heavy, so I made friends with the snowblower and cleaned the driveway. Notice there are no wasn't pretty.

While I was inside, I crocheted this block from a pattern in Knit Simple magazine. My daughter, Kim, liked the pattern and made a few blocks and sent me a photo. So I pulled some yarn from my stash and tried it. Even though I mostly knit now, I learned to crochet when I was very young, but I just haven't done it in awhile. It is like riding a bike ---- you never forget how. And, I can crochet much faster than I can knit. There may be an afghan in my future.
I hope you are having a good day today!!!