
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Fun Quilt Retreat

This past weekend I attended an annual quilt retreat with friends from the northern part of Indiana and friends that live here in Indianapolis. First we shopped at The Back Door and Avon Quiltery and then had lunch in Danville, IN, at The Mayberry Cafe. Then we travelled on to a wonderful home located on Heritage Lake. This screened porch was waiting for us. This is where we spent our time sewing, talking and eating. We also did some stitching outside on the deck while watching boats on the lake.Our hostess' husband took us for a nice boat ride around the lake on Friday afternoon. Our hostess had many beautiful quilts displayed through her home. I especially loved this flower garden quilt.This pinwheel decorated the top stair railing.This antique quilt hung at the bottom of the stairs.
This quilt was one that contains blocks from a 3 inch swap that our hostess participated in. Several retreaters brought show and tell. Here is a great nine patch setting. Another retreater brought this gorgeous quilt to show. Great use of color!
Another retreater does wonderful applique and brought these blocks to show.

We took one final look at the lake and parted for a time hoping to return again soon. A great time was had by all!!!!


  1. Oh my beautiful! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  2. Love the eye candy! Aren't retreats a necessity?

  3. what a place to have a retreat...

  4. such a beautiful place. and GORGEOUS quilts kudoos to all the quilters. thanks for sharing, Amy


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