
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hope all of you are having a Happy Thanksgiving and are having plenty to eat. My daughter, Kim is here this week and is helping in the kitchen which I think is just great!!!
I spent most of last week up in Shipshewana at the Dear Jane retreat. Here is the fat quarter boat at Lollys. This is one of the sample quilts hanging in Lollys store located in the Davis Mercantile building in Shipshewana. The quilt is called Eldon, and the pattern is by Edyta Sitar.
Shipshewana is like a wonderland after night. Most of the buildings are decorated.
This is Rebecca Haarer's store on Morton Street.
These are just some of the quilts for sale at Rebecca's.
I think this is my favorite show and tell quilt. This was made by Prue and the blocks are from the book When The Cold Wind Blows. She used by fabrics by Kaffe Fassett, and it was striking.
These are the 3 inch blocks that I made for our swap at the retreat.
The rest of my retreat photos are posted on my webshots page at
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Hope we all can find some time to stitch this weekend.


  1. It sure was a fun retreat! Love your little swap blocks.

  2. wow what a great retreat
    Love seeing the pictures, thanks and the baskets done in kaffes was fun to see.
    IJeanette's quilt at show and tell with the stars is amazing I wish when I clicked on it you could see it full size. Oh does she have a blog that quilt is amazing.
    thanks for sharing the retreat pictures with us.
    nothing like a quilt show in the am!
    Sure wish I was shopping at Lollys always smile when I see that boat every year in the retreat pictures!!!! I would be going thru there for treasures!


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