
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dear Jane Christmas Quilt

Last night I spent some time looking through my Dear Jane signature blocks from the first DJ Christmas signature block swap in 2008.  This is the time of year when I begin to think of decorating the house for Christmas, and I always wish I had a Christmas quilt for the bed.  Then I remembered this bag of blocks from the swap.  I trimmed the ears off of the backs of the blocks and counted them to try and figure out how to set them.  There are 150 blocks.  The Dear Jane quilt has 169, and with the triangles it won't quite cover a queen bed.  So I'm wondering if any of you in the swap have made a quilt (or even just the top) from your blocks, and if so how did you set them?  These blocks are reallly cute and would be easy to trim up and put together into a top and then do a bit of quilting.  Some people did applique', embroidery, sequins, and buttons.  Here are just a few:

Love this one from Florida with Santa is swim trunks.

 Beading on this one:

 Applique' on this one:

 Embroidered holly:
Sequins with beads on this one:

This one had a gingerbread man with gingerbread fabric to match:
 This is the pile of them.  There are red and green, but there are gold, blue and some black.  It would be interesting to arrange by color like I did my first DJ signature swap quilt.  Ideas???  
Hope you are either doing some stitching today or out enjoying this beautiful weather. 


  1. LuAnn, I was in a DJ Christmas swap once and I actually have that quilt finished. I will take a picture and post it for you tomorrow.

  2. How cool is that!! I would have never dreamed of a DJ Christmas! :-) You could increase the size of the sashing (DJ is about 3/4") to make a larger quilt. I did that with my DJ to allow room for more handquilting. I affected the triangle border of course (had to get creative about that), but it would give some "space" among all those colors!
    Can't wait to see what you decide!
    Mary Lou

  3. It looks very nice. I'm very interested what you decide.
    Have a nice day

  4. Wow...those are so cool! You just have to do something with them, even if is to arrange them with some simpleskinny sashing.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  5. Cute blocks. I would put them together as planned and use the left overs for a pillow. Make the quilt larger with borders. Or . . . are you using sashing between the blocks. I think a crisp white sashing would look beautiful. Then add a white border to make it as large as you need.

  6. I have a pile of signature blocks like those but not done in Christmas fabrics. I have not put mine together yet.

  7. LuAnn, I did find that quilt this morning and I put a picture on my blog.......

    You have many more blocks than I did.

    I have seen some DJ swap quilts with a center section of blocks, sometimes even set on point, then a border and then more of the Dear Jane blocks. Depending on how many you have you could do several borders with DJ blocks between them if you wanted to increase the size of the quilt.

    Or you could do what I did and add some plain blocks.............

  8. How neat. Is this what was called the 'siggie blocks"? I swapped with some in our guild but never put them together, but they were not Christmas. You still have time to have this quilt ready for Christmas this year!

  9. I missed that swap. Where was it posted? Are they doing it this year? LOVE the cute little siggies in Christmas themes!

  10. I don't know what a swap is except that it means to trade. Did you have to make so many blocks?
    I really think those could be made into something very cute by making your own layout. (or do you need to follow a certain pattern?)
    I think I will have to check back and see what you end up doing.


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