
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jumping On and Off The Bandwagon

Today I want to know how many of you see something on another blog while you're surfing around, and it  looks so interesting and so neat that you just have to rush to your sewing room, pull some fabrics and go to work?  I'm looking for a show of hands.  Come on!   You know you've done that at least once, right?   You may only make one block, or you may decide that you have enough to make a "little quilt" or maybe a wall hanging.  And, you just want to make enough to see what it looks like "in person", right?   You will make the whole quilt later?  Sound familiar?   I've been looking through my UFOs and those things that I just wanted to try, and I thought I'd share some of them. 
You've heard of Klosje Saturdays?  I believe the idea behind this one was to make a few of these little spools each Saturday morning until you have enough for a huge quilt.  I made mine using some of the parts in the Inklingo Patchwork of the Crosses by Linda Franz.   These would make a cute wall hanging.  They would make an even cuter full sized quilt, but they are pretty small. 
Then there is one flower Wednesdays.  I do love hexagons and have for a long time.  The hexagon quilt in my banner was made by my Grandma who was born in 1888.  She gave this to me somewhere in the late 60s. 
Then there are those baskets from When The Cold Wind Blows by Barb Adams and Alma Allen.  Oh, and these aren't exactly the ones in the book.  Someone I know reduced them to 3 1/2" baskets so you could fit the template onto a charm square.  After the "cuteness" of this project wore off, I realized that it will take a whole lot more of these smaller blocks to make a full sized quilt.  I've seen one done "in person", and it is just wonderful.  Now I'm thinking that maybe I could do a combination quilt of smaller and larger baskets. 
Those were pretty cute, but I wondered just how they would look small....and in 30s fabrics.  So there are a few of those - okay just one.  The squares in the photo are already back basted just waiting for applique'.
Then there is the wonderful blog So Scrappy by Angela.  She teaches and is a busy Mom who still has time to quilt.  If you scroll down her blog, she made a beautiful postage stamp quilt from her scraps.  Well, I have scraps so I cut up a little tub full of 1 1/2" squares to sew back together to make a postage stamp quilt.  Her quilt is already put together, and I was going to quilt along with her so my quilt along turned into a solo effort!!! 
Then there is this quilt over on Katy's blog, I'm A Ginger Monkey.  She is having a quilt along.  For now she is calling it Scrap Vomit.  That doesn't make you really want to run for your rotary cutter, so she is planning to change the name soon.  Now I didn't officially sign up, but I thought I would just cut a few 2 1/2" squares and see how it goes.  After all, if you have a jelly roll and you can't remember why you bought it, you already have the 2 1/2" strip to cut the squares from.  Now I don't really call these UFOs because they are just barely started. 
One night late, while blog surfing I ran across this beautiful bargello.  I know bargello quilts have come and gone, and I didn't jump on the bandwagon then;  but, I just couldn't stop looking at this one.  I kept googling and looking at web sites, and I finally found the pattern for this one.  It was a downloadable pattern - instant gratification!!!!  I downloaded it and have been working on it for the past couple of weeks.  Here it is finished!!!   OK...except for the quilting.  I'll put a tutorial up next time. 

I hope you are all finding some time to stitch today!!   


  1. So many temptations! If only there were more hours in the day so that we could make them all! I love all your tiny baskets, it is hard to imagine making a whole quilt of them though. I'm still plugging away at my postage stamps. I think I need about 10 more blocks. So much fun!

  2. LOL. That pretty much describes my blog hopping. I make notes, but don't get around to doing them. Except for the little spools. I made a few of them. There's just too many wonderful projects and not enough time. We will gain one hour this week-end!

  3. Oh, I do this ALL THE TIME! I have the attention span of a gnat! I always tell myself no, but there I go anyway! I just don't listen very well!

    And I am SO GLAD to know I'm not the only one!

  4. My hand is in the air! LOL!! I started my Klosjes project and want to start those baskets too. Of course I want to do hexagons too.

    Sew may projects, sew little time.

  5. Hmmm! And I thought I was the only one who jumped around on projects. My family think I am crazy. . . But, I am learning I am pretty normal.

    Love you Bargello. Where did you find the download.

  6. I have seen that Bargello pattern, and your version is beautiful. I get tempted easily as well. I started those spools AND the baskets AND I have a postage stamp-type quilt started AND small repro snowballs AND...AND...AND...

    The basket project is going well, actually. But the spools?? Hmmm...they may get turned into mug rugs for Christmas. I do still love the idea of a large quilt made entirely of little spools...

    BUT, I did jump on the Civil War Bride bandwagon and I finished it. I am going to jump on the Stars and Sprigs bandwagon after Christmas (already purchased the pattern).

    I think bandwagon jumping is fine...even if the queen size quilt of our dreams only becomes a couple of mug rugs.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  7. WOW!!! Your Bargello is awesome, LuAnn!

  8. LuAnn, at first, your bargello is great!!!! The colors are so beautiful.
    I love your tiny basketes very much. Angela is right: if only there were more hours in the day to do all the things we want to do.
    Have a nice weekend with many time for sewing and quilting.

  9. Love everything you are doing LuAnn..the Bargello is stunning. If you don't want those wee baskets I could give them a good home.


  10. LuAnn, I love your exagons quilt for you grandma, the baskets and little spools, every things are pretty...
    I wait your tutorial!!!

  11. ah-huh!! You have struck a cord with me too!! I try so hard to be disciplined but there are so many great ideas out there, I just want to try them all!!


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