
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just A Little Fabric

I was out running errands a couple of days ago, and I found myself going by one of my local quilt shops.  Do you ever just look at the shop and then drive by and keep on going?  Believe it or not, there are sometimes that I do, but I always wonder if maybe one of the girls working there is looking out the window and might recognize my car and wonder why I didn't stop.  So.........I stopped.

I just bought quarters or picked up fat quarters, and I do have projects in mind for all of the things I bought.  

I bought these Kaffe and Phillip for a future project.

 I have already cut into these repros for a project.  I think good teal repros are hard to find, and I liked this one.  The tan has a bit of teal in it also.
 One of the quilts I ant to do has houses in it so I thought the bricks and stone would be good to have for that.
 I'm planning an I Spy as part of a challenge I'm in so I can fussy cut a red and yellow bird from this piece.
 The flip flop fabric will be good for the I Spy, too., planes and tractors. 
 Some carrots and cherry tomatoes for I Spy???
And, I had to have a quarter of The Cat in the Hat fabric.   
 And, my daughter is a grad student at Purdue.
 This isn't quilting, but I've started crocheting a new blanket, and I found a pattern for this hexagon block on the internet.  I'll have photos of that over on my other blog
I am still trying to decide whether to keep a separate blog for yarn projects or whether to just put it all on this blog.  Any preference?  I do think there are a lot of quilters that also knit and/or crochet.  I just like looking at other's craft projects no matter what they are. 

Hope you are all having some time to stitch (or knit or crochet) today!!!!


  1. I love all your reasons for buying fat quarters! They are all perfectly logical, and sensical, and reasonable -- AND you get to buy fabric!!! :-D Nice haul, for sure!
    Mary Lou

  2. Shopping can be inspirational........ and it seems that you deserve it with your latest finish........

    I am afraid that sometimes riding that bandwagon you mentioned keeps me from getting much of anything done...........

  3. Wouldn't it be easier for you if you just kept it all on one blog??? I don't crochet or knit but I have crocheted in the past and I love to see all of the projects everyone does.

    Love love all of your fabrics!!

  4. Hi LuAnn,
    your new fabrics are great. I can not say, which one is the best. But I can not wait, what you are doing with them.
    Have a nice day. Greetings from a cold an rainy Germany

  5. time for stitching...getting ready for Thanksgiving company, so I am grouchy. BUT, I love living vicariously through your fabric shopping and your new crotchet project (love seeing it here, by the way...).

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  6. What a fabulous range of fabrics,love them all.

  7. oh I would keep it all on one blog
    easier for you and well I personally don't mind seeing other projects on a quilt blog. love that bird fabrics
    I have a thing for birds lately, beautiful.
    whose fabric is it can you tell me?

  8. Those are some beautiful fabrics, I'll bet the ladies in the shop were glad you didn't keep driving, and you are going to have some beautiful projects. Speaking of beautiful projects, I love your Bargello.

  9. Love the Purdue fabric. I have the black, the white, and a different print in black and gold. I have made 6 or 8 pillowcases from it and have a Purdue quilt in the back of my mind.

  10. Love your new fabric! I am slowly collecting some "organic" fabric - things like bricks, rocks, grass, etc.

  11. Blauraute, we are having a cold, rainy day in Texas, also!


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