
Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Stitchery Mistake

One of the first handcrafts I learned as a young girl was embroidery.  I love looking at all of the quilts and projects out in blogland that combine stitchery and piecing.  A few weeks ago, I received the pattern for a Christmas Hearts tablecloth that has both piecing and stitchery from my friend, Roswitha in Germany.  Her quilts are beautiful, and she handquilts them as well.  I love going to her blog to look at her quilts. 

I was excited to get started, so I found my background, traced the design and started stitching.  I finished the first stitchery and rinsed away the blue marks and gave the piece a good pressing.  Then I took a look at the rest of the pattern so I could do the piecing.  I guess I was so anxious to get started on this that I didn't see that the stitchery was to be on point.  Roswitha said she had made the same mistake and has made her first stitchery into a cushion.  So I will either do that or make a small wall hanging. 
Hope you are keeping warm and dry and doing some stitching today. 


  1. Wow! I wish all my goofs turned out to be so lovely!
    = D

  2. What lovely stitching and glad you can find something to do with it. Maybe I should turn to stitching since I will be living in a hotel for a while?

  3. LuAnn, your stitching is lovely..maybe you should make a needle/block book out of your block.

    Its lovely, I am not very good at stitchery but admire people that do it well.


  4. LuAnn, I always love what you are working on, Is so pretty...
    Enjoy your day and your sewing!!!

  5. I love this little stitchery..
    I cannot say this is a mistake but I understand you very well.
    This will make a lovely little quilt, lol !!

  6. Dear LuAnn,
    I love my "mistake"-cushion. In the meantime I've made two other cushion in the same style. I'll post the others in the next days.
    Enjoy all you are doing today and have a nice day.


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