
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Wrap-Up

Since it's the beginning of a new year, I decided to make some changes to my blog.  I think my other banner might have been original to my blog.  This one has projects that I have either completed or have in progress.  Let me know what you think of the new look. 

These are the crafty books that I got for Christmas.  The first two books came from my daughter and the last one is from my son and DIL. 

I have wanted the Sock Yarn One Skein Wonders book since it was released a couple of months ago.  It has a lot of great projects, and is a good way to use up some of the sock yarn that I have in my yarn stash. 
The Crochet Motifs book has a lot of great designs for using leftover yarn in lots of different shapes.   I'm kind of partial to the hexagons in the book. 
I've made a couple of hexagons just to try out one of the patterns. 
The yarn really looks better than in the photos, but I think I may need to get some brighter yarn for the real project. 
I love the applique' in this Rose of Sharon block book.  The blocks in this book are from an on-line EQ6 challenge The challenge was to design a Rose of Sharon block using only three shapes in limited sizes.  If you have EQ6, you can go to the electric quilt web site and download the shapes to design your own blocks.  I think some of these blocks would be pretty in red and green. 
  I hope that 2011 is a happy healthy year with lots of sewing and stitching time for all.  Happy New Year to you.


  1. Hi LuAnn
    Love the new header and it is a great idea to update now and then. My header is the original too!! Maybe I need to work out a new one??
    great gifts.....I love books....

  2. The new banner is very nice! I love all the photos of your pretty projects. Aren't new books so exciting? All the wonderful possibilities!

  3. Hi LuAnn, A lovely colourful header! Your new books should give you plenty of inspiration - I've had my eye on the Rose Of Sharon book but I don't think it's available here yet.

  4. Hi there. Wow, I like your new look. Nice, new and fresh. Those books look like they have a lot of neat projects. Can't wait to see one you've made. Have a great day.

  5. Dear LuAnn,
    your new header is great, it shows more about you.
    I hope the inspiration of the new books will never end. I think there are so many possibilities.
    Excuse me, but my son will change his house and we have to help him all the days. As soon as possible I will answer to your mail.
    Have a nice day and spent time in your sewing room.

  6. New banner is wonderful! Great way to start off a new year!

    Isn't that a great book?? I'm teaching a class at my shop for the Block of the Month program hosted by Island Batiks! Hopefully you can do a few blocks and share them with us!

  7. Your header is so colorful and cheery. I really love that your Dear Jane is front and center. It will keep me motivated everytime i see it. Happy New Year.

  8. I love the new top to your Blog! All of those projects are yours aren't they? I love seeing all the creativity!!!


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