
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I've received The Stylish Blogger Award from Staci over at The Confused Quilter.  Thanks Staci!!
When I think of stylish, I think of a cross between Martha Stewart, Queen Elizabeth and Julia Roberts.  So I'm not sure that stylish is the right word, but I'll take it just the same. 

There are a two rules for this award; one is that I have to share 8 things about myself, and the second is to pass the award on to 8 other blogs.

Here are the 8 things about me:

1.  I am an only child.  I am really envious of those of you that have siblings, particularly those of you that are quilters and have sisters that also quilt.  I would even settle for a brother that would appreciate one of my quilts, but it wasn't meant to be.  When my parents both had passed away, I somehow had the feeling of being an orphan.  I know that's probably silly, but I think it was just that there was no more home to go to. 
2.  I went on my first date with my husband on January 18, 1973, and we were married May 19, 1973.  That was a short courtship by most people's standards, but it was right.  We will be married 38 years this coming May.
3.  I have two grown children; both of them are amazing people.  My son composes music, and is music minister at their church.  He also works part time in an elementary school media center.  My daughter has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Math.  She worked in Alabama for 2 years, and now she is at Purdue getting her Master's Degree in Statistics.  She played with the Purdue handbells last semester.  Both of my children are musically inclined, and their Dad and I can barely play the radio.
4.  I taught ESL (English as a Second Language).  That was an interesting job.  People ask me how many languages I know.  I know just enough Spanish to ask for a drink of water and for directions to the restroom.  Well, ok, I know a little more than that.  I love it when my Spanish speaking blog readers leave me a comment or send me an email totally in Spanish.  I do my best to figure out what it says before I cut and paste it into Google Translator.
5.  I've quilted for 16 years or so.  Before that I made a few hexagons, but had no idea what fun it would be to learn so many different quilting techniques and just how many good friends I would make along the way.  Last spring I entered a couple of my quilts in the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show held in Bloomington, Indiana.  I was awarded a ribbon for Judge's Recognition.  I had never entered anything in any quilt show before-not even a guild show-so getting the ribbon was quite a thrill.
6.  I am equally as addicted to knitting and crocheting and collecting beautiful yarns as I am to quilting and collecting fabric.  You will hardly ever find me just sitting somewhere.  I am always working on some applique', redwork, knitting or crocheting.
7.  I had a total knee replacement in June 2009.   I spent a lot of time working with a physical therapist, exercising and strengthening that knee both before and after surgery, but I'm pain free and if I had to I'd do it all over again.   That was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and it has definitely changed my life. 
8.  I love technology.  I almost didn't get a convection oven because I thought I wouldn't be able to figure out how to cook with it.  Boy was I wrong about that.  I love this new Droid phone, and I'm finding out new things about it every day.  But, if you are still reading my deep, dark secret is that I love video games (and some computer games).  When the Wii was just coming on the scene, I had sold a bunch of collectibles on EBay.  I took part of that money and stood in line at Fry's Electronics before they opened one morning when I knew the new shipment was coming in so I could buy a Wii.  I claim that I got it for the Wii Fit so I could exercise....oh really?  I got it to play Mario Kart, and I love Guitar Hero.  I even have 2 guitars in case anyone comes over and wants to play.  If only I could play games and quilt at the same time.

Here is a photo of my quilt that received the ribbon.  It's called It's Just A Nine Patch.  The nine patches are 1 1/2" finished and there are 964 in the quilt. 
 There are so many great blogs out there that it is really hard to pick just 8.  One of my favorite things to do while blog surfing is to go to a new to me blog of someone who has left a comment on one of my regular blogs.  I just love seeing what everyone is working on and what fabrics they are buying.

Here are just 8 of those that I visit:

So Scrappy
From My Back Porch
Hanne's Quilt Corner
Quiet Quilter
Cheaper Than Therapy
Ann Marie's Quilt
In The Emerald Woods
Luv to Stitch
I know that's 9.....
And of course go on over and visit Staci the Confused Quilter that gave me this award.

I reallly appreciate all of my followers and those of you that leave comments.  I try and get around to visit all of you if there is a link back to you, and I try to respond to your comments unless you are a no reply blogger. 

It's snowing here today so I'm heading off to do some stitching.  Hope you are doing the same! 


  1. It was so good to hear 8 things about yourself. I've met my husband on 18th January 1988. So Jan 18 is one of my favourite date. ( My 2nd son was born on that day in 1994). Hugs Györgyi

  2. Thanks for tagging me....I think. ;D

    Give me a few days and I'll come up with something.

    It was fun reading about you, now I won't feel so silly when I play Wii!

  3. I can almost see you playing guitar hero now. How cute. hee hee. It's neat to learn so many things about you. Congrats on the award. Have a good evening.

  4. Thank you so much I am honoured...
    I like to visit you too LuAnn!!

  5. fun to read about you....
    it snowed here over night about another 8 inches.
    My DD keeps telling us it snows everyday there in Indiana and sooooo cold today!
    stay warm

  6. Enjoyed your post! I'm an 'only' as well, and felt the same way when both parents were gone. I secretly play video games, too. My son got me controllers for the WII at Christmas and some of the old Super Nintendo games. I've been playing Wario Woods and Super Mario 3 lately. I love that stupid Katamari game, but can only play it for a little while at a time because something about the motion makes me nauseated. Both my kids think that is hystercial!

    And aren't you a combo of Martha, Julia and Her Highness??

  7. Thanks for sharing 8 things about yourself! We are all quilting sisters, aren't we? And OMG those are small nine patches! Beautiful quilt!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  8. Thank you you so much for giving me the "Stylish Blogger Award".
    Tomorrow I'll write a post. It's very nice to hear all these things about you.
    Have a nice day and thank you again

  9. Wow! After reading your list, I feel like we have so much in common we could be sisters. You can always come to my house for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks for sharing so much about yourself and your family.

  10. Thank you, LuAnn, for tapping me for the award!! I'm amazed that ANYBODY reads it, much less would offer a kudo!!! :-D I really appreciate it. But what I would appreciate even more is that Nine-Patch quilt. LOL Goodness me, your work is amazing!
    Mary Lou

  11. Loved finding out about you are very interesting and diverse (picturing you playing Guitar Hero right now :)

    Loved that Nine patch quilt...Amazing!

  12. Hi .. I have put a post about the award today!!
    Thank you so much Lu Ann for the Award, you made me smile ;-)

  13. How interesting to learn more about you, Luann. Congratulations on the nine patch quilt - quite a feat to complete those tiny blocks.

  14. That 9 patch is absolutely mind boggling!! Love your 8 things too.


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