
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Two Flower Thursday & Computer Tips

I am a day late for One Flower Wednesday hosted by Karen over at Journey of A Quilter so I'll call this Two Flower Thursday.  I've made two hexagon flowers for this week.  I am using the paper pieces that are 3/4" because I've bought so many of those.  I am getting a nice little collection of flowers.  Soon it will be time to think about a setting for them. 
I know you are all blog surfers or you wouldn't be here reading this now.  Here are two tips that I learned from my daughter:

1.  When you roll over a hot link like this:      Roswitha's blog  instead of clicking the link with your left with your mouse wheel.  (Not only does your mouse button roll, but you can also click it. I didn't know that for a long time.  I used to think that the right mouse button was there as a stress reliever while you were waiting for a page to load!)  Clicking with the mouse wheel will open up the new window in a tab that will show up in this window up at the top of the page.  That way you will be sure not to lose the original blog you were reading.  You can do this with multiple links like the ones I have on my sidebar and open up several tabs at once.  When you are done looking at Roswitha's blog or whatever you have opened up in your tabs, you just go up to the tab and click the X on it, and it will disappear.  This way you can open up several tabs and still keep track of where you started.

2.  This one is my very favorite tips!!   Hold down your control key and roll your mouse button at the same time.  Watch the text and photos get smaller or larger depending on which direction you roll the mouse button.  This is a big help when you come across small print or when your eyes are tired but you want to read just a bit more.  (We found this one out quite by accident when my daughter brought her cat, Squeaky, for a visit.  Squeaky was sprawled across the corner of my laptop and when I rolled my mouse the print size changed.) 

Tomorrow is going to be a stitching day for me.  Hope you all find some time for some stitching, too.  Thanks for visiting! 


  1. Beautiful flowers LuAnn and excellent fussy cutting! Rolling the mouse is also new to me, I read about it when I was reading up on my new wireless mouse. All the years I've had computers and didn't know this. And, I did not know about the control button and rolling the mouse to change text size. Thanks for the great tips!

  2. Awesome tips LuAnn..I won't forget these for sure.

  3. Thank you so much for the computer tips......... I can make real use of them...........

    Great Hexies.... How nice it is to finish a few of them... I never got mine posted. Maybe today.

  4. Thanks for the computer tips! I'm always learning something new. Now if I can just remember it all.

  5. Dear LuAnn,
    Your Hexies are wonderful.
    Thank you for your computer instructions. I won't forget these import things.
    I'm very interesting for the results of your sewing day.
    Have a nice and cozy weekend

  6. Nice tips! Flowers are darling!!

  7. I love your hexies. I sure wish I could get my rear in gear and do some, myself!

  8. Yummi flowers again Luann..
    Thanks for your tips!!


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