
Monday, April 18, 2011

Design Wall Monday

These are the things on my design wall this morning. The blue and cheddar blocks are the beginning of my version of an antique quilt that Rebecca showed last fall at our Dear Jane retreat in Shipshewana. Rebecca is the owner of Rebecca's Arts and Antiques, and the quilt is in her personal collection. When I saw this quilt I knew I wanted to recreate it.

The other photo is the beginning of house number 1 from the Home Sweet Home book by Barb Adams and Alma Allen. I've seen this quilt on other blogs and love it. I bought most of the fabrics in Shipshewana, and I like them. I know the book said to cut the background roughly 16 x 20, but it just looks huge to me. So I think this block is going to stay on my design wall for awhile until I decide what to do about it.

My laptop is on life support for the time being. I think I clicked yes in a dialog box where I really meant no. So I'm writing this post from my phone. This is a first for me, and I hope it comes through ok.

Thanks to Judy L. at for hosting design wall Monday.

I hope you are all busy stitching today. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
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  1. I love the background fabric on that house block, very fun stuff! I hope your computer recovers--not fun to be without! Isn't it amazing that we can post from a phone? We live in interesting times!

  2. I love what is on your design wall!!

  3. OOOOH! I have a kit of that block you are making. I wish I had time to dig it out and do it with you.

  4. Your blue and cheddar blocks are looking great - I look forward to seeing more!! Good luck with your laptop - the post came through fine with your phone - amazing what we can do these days, technology wise!!

  5. I have been stitching today, as a matter of fact. What do i need to do join Design Wall Monday? I actually have somethine I could post.
    With your house block isn't there alot of applique that goes around it and fills in the space? Are you going to do that too? I love your background fabric.

  6. very nice blocks, love the blue and cheddar, of course I would love the antique quilt that you were inspired by.
    computer problems are just not fun!
    have a great day!

  7. Dear LuAnn,
    great blocks you're showing on your design wall.
    I love 'Home sweet Home'. I've had a look by Amazone, but the book isn't there to buy.
    It's nice to post with the phone. Good luck with your laptop.
    Have a nice and creative day in your sewing room.
    Take care

  8. Thank you for sharing your design wall. It made me think about mine and if I'd have to tidy it up a bit...Love the blocks!

  9. Good job of using your phone. The post came thru perfectly, photos, too. Glad you had such a good time at your retreat.

  10. Oh, another Home Sweet Home in the making! I like your first block so far!
    And I do hope your laptop recovers! Although your phone does a great job!

  11. The blue and cheddar blocks looks greate! Love the house blocks from Blackbirds Design. I have the book too, and one day I'll make this gorgeous quilt too. Looking foreward to follow your quilt in the makeing :o) Have an nice easter. Hugs

  12. I'm going to enjoy watching Home Sweet Home, it is a lovely quilt.


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