
Monday, May 23, 2011

Trick or Treat Baskets on Design Wall Monday

This morning I have my Trick or Treat Baskets from the book When the Cold Wind Blows by Barb Adams and Alma Allen for Blackbird Designs up on my design wall. 

These are the baskets that will finish at 4 inches.   These are smaller than the pattern in the book. 

Here are the small baskets and some that are a bit larger than those but still not as large as the pattern in the book.  I down sized the pattern from the book so that my template would fit on a charm square with enough seam allowance to turn under for applique'.  The larger baskets will finish at 5 inches.  None of these have been trimmed yet.

I was going to make a separate quilt with the smaller baskets that I have finished and the dozen or so that I have prepped and then make a larger quilt from the larger baskets.  But I could use the smaller baskets as the center and then finish the quilt with the larger size.

Here is what I use to do my applique'.  I trace with the Sewline pencil and use the Sewline refillable glue stick.  I applique' with straw needles in either a size 10 or 11 using Mettler Size 60 thread in a color to closely match the color of my basket fabric.  Last week I found this 5 1/2" ruler at my local JoAnn fabrics.   This ruler will make it so much easier to trim all of the baskets, and I had a coupon.

I forgot to include one of my favorite tools in the picture.  I always keep a few toothpicks in with my applique' supplies.  If you have used your needle to turn under your fabric at corners or other places where you have clipped and the threads begins to fray, a moist toothpick will grab onto the fibers so that you can sweep the fabric under easily.

Below is my basket template. 

I just hold the plastic template on my basket fabric and trace around it.  Then I put a couple dabs of glue on the back so it stays in place on the background.

When I get to a corner where I have clipped, I bring my needle up and then go straight back down at that point maybe even a couple of times to anchor that corner. 

I clip the little square in the basket center first and then begin to applique'.  I anchor my stitches at each corner to help square up the center. 

Here is my finished basket.  After seeing the two photos above, I fixed the upper right corner of the basket.

After I got a good look at the enlarged photo of all of my baskets up on the design wall, I thought about just not posting today.

I know my baskets aren't trimmed, but they sure look "wonky" to me.
It could be because my template isn't symmetrical, or I have the handle taped onto the basket bottom crooked. Or maybe my template slipped when I traced it or some of my fabrics were directional or maybe I just plain don't applique' on the line. It could be "all of the above". As some of my friends would say, "Noone will see it from a galloping horse."

I think that quilting should be something that you find fun and low stress. Whenever it becomes a chore then you should give it up and move on to something else. These little baskets are very portable, make great TV work in the evenings, and I'm enjoying them.

Now I'm off to look for some graph paper so I can redraw my template, but these baskets will all go in the quilt just as is.   Even some of my best Longaberger baskets have imperfections and are not perfectly square. 

Thanks to Judy at for hosting Design Wall Monday.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit. 


  1. All homemade baskets are a little "wonky"...that's part of their charm....Thanks for the tutorial....

  2. I bought that book just to make that quilt...... Maybe I will get around to it one day.......

  3. Lovely basketquilt Luann. Thanks for showing us how you make this block. I never imagined it to be made this way ;-)

  4. This quilt is on my to-do list. (I've only done one block and pulled together fabrics for a few more!) It is a great take-along project. And your blocks are turning out great.

  5. I'm impressed! I never got the knack of applique and yours look so nice!

  6. My most favorite thing is baskets and I so love yours! Thanks for the tutorial.

  7. How cute! Love the baskets.

  8. I love them. I have had a number of false starts on these little cuties. I'm not sure how I feel about Accu-quilt but I've often thought these would be worth buying already cut symmetrically. I need to learn to do needle turn! Freezer paper just doesn't work for me. With all that said, I thinknthey are great and they are less than 5" for goodness sakes! Love all the pix.


  9. LuAnn, these are so cute. They look so scrappy and good together. Good attitude, I am all about stress free quilting and just enjoy the process and go with the results.
    Happy Stitching,

  10. Forgot to mention the sew line pencil, I am going to have to try one of those, it really looks like it gives a good line that is easy to see.

  11. I just love your baskets!!

  12. You did a great job of showing your stitching process and applique techniques. Those are pretty, small cute baskets! Happy Stitching!

  13. Wonky is wonderful! I just LOVE your baskets.

  14. Love your baskets. I skipped the cut out in mine ;-)
    I like that you have various plans for them, and sized them for charms. My baskets are sitting in a basket...
    Thanks for sharing!!

  15. I think your baskets look great - keep going!

  16. Don't you love this project?? I've been getting a few more made lately...too many meetings to sit through, but the hand work certainly helps! I love that you made them EVEN SMALLER!! I think the two sizes will look cool together!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  17. Your basket blocks are just darling!
    What a nice little sewing tutoral you offered today also!
    I think I need to purchase that book - thank you so much for sharing!


  18. I love that book. Your baskets are great. I cannot get the knack of needle turn applique. Yours looks great!

  19. Love the baskets!! It's going to be such a gorgeous quilt!

  20. That "Collections For A Cause" Charm Pack looks familiar!! :-) I cut out a 'Lil Twister pattern from mine just today. I'm using a 3" square and a 2 1/2" "Lil Twister. You'll see it posted on my DWM one of these days.

  21. Love your baskets ..... and great tutorial!

  22. Still loving your basket project...I just wanted to see if I could still comment on your page (I'm having blogger issues of not being allowed to sign in and comment). I was successful posting a comment last week...just checking to see if I still can!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  23. I love your little baskets just the way they are. Leave perfection for some where else sewing is supposed to be fun.

  24. Like many other commenters I am loving these baskets just the way they are. They have a folk art look to them, so unique and special!


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