
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Flowers on One Flower Wednesday

Today I finished a couple more hexagons for One Flower Wednesday. 

I've fallen behind the last couple of weeks, but I plan to try and do a couple of flowers each week.  This is really a great way to end up with enough for a quilt.  Thanks to Karen at Journey of a Quilter for hosting One Flower Wednesday. 

I love to sit out back on the deck and stitch and watch the birds and just listen to the noises in the woods.  I am really enjoying all of the yellow day lillies (Stella De Oro variety) that are blooming this year.  I had forgotten that we divided some of the larger plants last year.  They are perennials and take almost no care.  This photo really doesn't do them justice.

These are way out back in the far corner of the yard.

When I opened my little zipper bag to work on my hexagons, I found a nice surprise.  I had forgotten that I got this little needle case when I stopped in the Moda Bake Shop booth at the quilt show in Paducah.  When I saw the Moda Bake Shop sign there, I had my hand already on my credit card to get it warmed up....but they were just there to make sure we were aware of the web site and the free patterns, etc.  They gave us this as a little gift for stopping by their booth.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope you are finding some time to do a bit of stitching. 


  1. Cute flowers :-) Ps. Did you get my mail ?

  2. Wonderful Hexagons and beautiful day lillies. In the next time I'll try to do some Hexagons, it will be the first time.
    I hope you'll have a nice and cozy weekend.

  3. Both the hexies and flowers look lovely. Nice gift from Moda too.

  4. Lovely flowers for your garden and lovely flowers in your garden! One could spend many hours quilting under the trees.

  5. you have a way of making it sound so easy...making the hexagons that is.I do not know why I am afraid of trying them because I love all hand work, but I somehow feel overwhelmed before I even start!!!

    Guess I need to start with a small project NOT the Grandmother's Garden that is in my mind???

    Also, love your yard!!

  6. Flowers are so pretty. Real ones and the hexies!! :-)

  7. Hi Luann, I joined the One Flower Wednesday group after seeing your post. Thanks!

  8. Your flowers are beautiful!

  9. What a beautiful area to stitch in. Having a little green envy over here. I could send you a photo of our yard, but I bet you already know what dead because of the drought grass looks like.

  10. Wow, your yard is as pretty as a park!
    Love the hex flowers, great fabric choices.

  11. LuAnn!! I love how your took your picture of your hexie flowers!! You are so creative!

    Your yard is looking so beautiful!

  12. Do you have a gardener?

  13. Lovely! I'm trying hard to take more time to sit and just enjoy being in the garden....but it's hard not to potter!!

  14. You have a lovely yard...I can see why you like to sit on your back deck.

    The hexies are lovely.

  15. Your hexagons are lovely, and your yard is as beautiful as a park. I can see why you love to sit and look.

  16. Oh, your garden looks so neat and tidy and greeeeen! Mine just looks...well, I'll describe it as meadow like, but really it should be a lawn!

    Cannot wait to see how all those hexies will look together.

  17. Hi LuAnn you hexagons flowers are beautiful, I love the blue one, and I like how you take your picture. Wow you have a fantastic garden.

  18. Your garden is so lovely. I'm envious. What a wonderful spot to sit and sew hexies!


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