
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Trying To Get Organized Today

This morning I decided that I should organize my sewing room.  Things are just too chaotic for me to function in there and there are piles everywhere so I'm sorting everything into cardboard boxes and shopping bags to get it all organized. Then I'll put it all back in different drawers.  I rearrange my fabric every once in awhile just to get a look at what's really there.   And I did pretty well until I got all of the Kaffe fabric into one box and then sat down and took every piece out again to "pull fabrics for a couple of quilts" I'd like to do someday.  That was my "all work and no play" moment.  So tomorrow I've got to put all the Kaffe back in the box before I start sorting again.  I'm going to show you a before picture in hopes that before long I can post the after picture. 

Before I started to tackle that mess I put dinner in the crock pot.

The ingredients are pretty simple.

Here's the recipe:
Chicken Enchilada Casserole

1 - 8 ounce sour cream
Small can of green enchilada sauce
Small can of chopped green chilies
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup

Mix the first 4 ingredients together. 

Boil 4 chicken breasts (a half hour for thawed and about 1 hour for frozen, approximately)

8 flour tortillas
3 cups shredded cheddar cheese

Use slow cooker.  Put 1/3 of the sauce in the bottom, 1/3 of the chicken on top of that, 1/3 of the tortillas torn up into bite sized pieces on top of that, 1/3 of the cheese on top of that.  Continue layering ending with cheese.  Cook for 4 hours on low in the crock pot.    You can also bake this in a 13 X 9 pan for 45 minutes at 350. 

I served this with a little salad and a glass of fresh brewed iced tea. 

And what did I find in my girl cave?

This is a Four Plus One Equals Fun pattern by Lori Smith. If I finish this I'm going to have to pull up the leaves and the pink flowers and put the stems underneath.  This must have been before Applique' 101.  I talked a bit with Lori Smith in her booth in Paducah, and she is really a nice lady. 
This is from a 2005 McCalls magazine.  This is a Barb Adams/Alma Allen pattern done in one of their fabric lines called Rhubarb and Ginger.  I loved that fabric and used it and shared it until all I have left is some of the large floral.  I'm not sure what is going on with this applique'.  The shapes are pretty odd the purple square over on the right.  I think maybe I just stuck some of the fabrics on with glue to audition them?????
And, these red and green kits don't really look familiar.  They are from Quilts Plus, one of my local quilt shops - 2007. It looks like I have enough kits for 7 blocks so I can either do a small wall hanging or make two of each block for a larger quilt. 

I hope I don't wake up in the morning and find the Hoarders truck sitting in my driveway.  I hope you are doing some stitching today, and I hope that I can get back to my sewing machine and work on a project soon.

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Pleased to see someone eleses sewing room like that. I find I clean it up and then do another few projects and I need to do it again. LOL
    What a gorgeous star block.

  2. Dear LuAnn,
    your starblock looks so beautiful. I hope you can start soon new projects or finish Ufos in your "new" sewing roon.
    Have a nice day and enjoy (??) your sewing room

  3. love that star block!!! that cracked me up, before I cleaned out my sewing room about 6 months ago and gave away stuff I knew I wouldn't use I thought the same thing.
    yes I still have a lot of stuff but now its mostly organized and hmmm wonder if i can still be considered a hoarder of fabrics? no!!!! we need all that to make a quilt when the inspiration hits right!

  4. Interesting projects that you found! Guess we forget what's buried beneath the stash, don't we? Your recipe sounds delicious. I just may have to try it sometime soon!

  5. Good luck with your cleaning and organizing. The worst part of the project is finding all the projects you need to work on.

  6. Mine looks even worse right now... I really must get something done about that........

    Thanks for the inspiration...

  7. Way to go on the organization! It was my New Year's resolution to go thru my fabric...but it is only June. Love the crock pot recipe. Have you ever made Taco Soup in the crock pot? Just as easy, let me know if you want the recipe. Hope you get to sew today.

  8. getting's been a life-long struggle for me...and, so far...I'm still losing the battle! You have some fun blocks tho! =)


  9. Good for you to get organized! I plan on doing the same when I am on vacation next month.

  10. Oh, isn't it wonderful to have a good clean out? Everything fresh and tidy and ready for creativity and imagination to have space to work!
    I did a little of this myself yesterday and discovered two table runners (yes, more runners. It is an illness. . . ) that I must have cut out two years ago! I think I might use them as leaders and enders and see if I can get them together sometime this YEAR! (I wanted to say month, but that seems too ambitious!)

    We don't have TV. I'll have to see if this Hoarders show is on DVD. People talk about it all the time, but I have never seen it.

  11. What a pretty sewing space with the window and lots of light! Loved seeing your WIPS.
    Not going to talk about mine...
    Thanks for the recipe - chicken tonite here.
    Looking forward to your next post!

  12. If the "hoarders truck" comes to your house, I 'm sure to be next on the list! Why do we quilters love to collect fabric so much? You are not alone, sweetie, I'm tellin' ya.
    Your churn dash star is really neat. Happy creating time, with a bit of cleaning should do it...

  13. Organizing is rewarding and kind of fun when you get into it, but oh so hard. Hope you are making lots of progress and you certainly found some goodies.

  14. LuAnn,
    I am glad you found me. Now I am a follower of your blog.
    Your sewing room looks like mine at times. Love your star block.
    Your recipe looks delicious as well. I will have to make it!

  15. I love to have a good clean out but always have to make sure I have plenty of time as I discover things I'd forgotten and get so sidetracked!! Your chicken dinner sounds delicious.

  16. you encourage me to get my crock pot back out...thanks for sharing the recipe!! sewing room goes back and forth between kinda neat to a mess!

    In fact, I have thought of just going back to sewing in a spare space like I used to JUST to have to keep it neat!!

  17. Cooking and organizing sounds like too much work! As far as the clearing out, I've been there, done that and it comes right back. I have given away stuff and for some reason, I just buy more stuff to replace it. Besides that, when I organize, I find myself searching for the stuff I knew where it was before it was organized. So, it's a Catch 22 for me. I do have all my gadgets in one place so I don't have to search for them. Have fun in your clean sewing room. I'm going to have to try your recipe cuz it looks yummy and easy too. Thanks for sharing it.


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