
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dresden Quilt Top

Yesterday I  worked on my Dresden Plate quilt.  In my post of March 13, 2011, I talked about the block that I made.  I have had my Dresden ruler for quite a few years and had never made anything with it....not even one wedge.  While visiting Anne Marie's blog awhile before that,  she posted that she had bought the ruler and showed the fabrics she was going to use.  I left a comment on her blog and told her about my template and that it was still in the package, and she challenged me to make something with my template. 

First I worked on this:

And then I decided to add some red to make this:

Then I decided to cut into my Fresh Flowers fabrics by Deb Strain for Moda, and I made this block and then and put them all away.

 A couple of days ago Anne Marie sent me an email with photos of her finished quilt top.  It is just beautiful.  Go and take a look at it here.    I got busy and started to work on finishing my quilt top.  Here is what I have done so far:

I don't have enough of any of the fabrics shown to do the inner or outer borders so I'll have to be creative or buy more fabric.  Full disclosure:  Except for the center block, the fan blades are basted in there and are not applique'd to the background.  I will hand applique' because it looks better than my machine applique'. 

Thank you Anne Marie for motivating me to do something with this template.  I have always loved Dresden plate quilts, I had no idea how easy these blocks were to make until you challenged me. 

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today!

Go over to to check out what everyone else has on their design walls this week. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog today for a visit.


  1. Funny I was thinking of Dresden plates yesterday too.. I like yours! I'm doing the Wantobe Quilters thing too.

  2. I love this. I've never wanted to make one but I do have a bag full of pieces already cut that were gifted to me. I may have to get them out and do something with them now.
    Your red and green ones would make a great pillow for Christmas. :)

  3. We love inspiration from blogger friends, and yours is inspiring, too. All your color choices are great, and the Fresh Flowers version is Happy and bright ~

  4. Wow, LuAnn, this is beautiful! As I scrolled through the top pictures, I thought the first plate was pretty, then I loved the red and green (do I smell a Christmas quilt?), then the fresh flowers just popped!I love the arrangement you have made. Good job!!

  5. Your Dresden Plate is going to be beautiful. I love the fabrics, very summery.

  6. Well, it looks like you were certainly up to the challenge! They are beautiful.

  7. Ohhh I love your Dresden quilt so colourful and vibrant!!
    Thanks to you too for taking the challenge and that way moved me to make my Dresden quilt ;-))
    Have more fun Luann..

  8. A beautiful red and green Christmas tablecloths.

  9. I love the bright colors in your almost finished quilt. I think Dresdens are so addicting and go together so fast. You made a great color choice. I love it.

  10. LuAnn, I love your Dresden Plate, the colors and the fabric I remember the colors of Christmas!!!
    Thank you for your visits, I see you always...
    Kiss for you!!!

  11. I always love dresden's...and yours are beautiful! That red is dramatic.

  12. Oh my goodness but this is nothing but fun, fun, fun. Well, it's also inspirational. hee! :) *karendianne. who appreciates the pretty share.

  13. Oh I am loving your dresden plate blocks especially the brighter one.

  14. Maybe I should pull my Dresden wedge ruler out of my overflowing box of specialty rulers and templates. Why do I keep buying them? It's often spur of the moment, an impulse purchase, and then it goes into an anonymous stack.
    Your Dresdens are all gorgeous. The red+green is a dramatic combo, and the circles and portions with the Deb Strain flowers are funky and fun. Well done!

  15. I love Dresden Plates and yours are just beautiful. I have this on my wish list.

  16. Love your pretty dresden's!

  17. Your Dresden Plates are wunderful, beautiful colors.
    Congratulations to your great tutorial from July, 12th.
    I hope you are finding some time to stitch today too.

  18. I have always admired Dresden Plates but have never attempted them. Your fresh flowers quilt top looks just wonderful.

  19. Congratulations on getting those blocks done. They look fabulous. Dresden plates is such a fun pattern, and it can be set so many ways.

  20. Very pretty, LuAnn. Love the cool blue with the warm colors.

  21. Love your Fresh Flowers Dresden top so far. For the machine applique try it with monofilament thread - it mimics hand done and being "invisible" hides a lot of sins! Will you do the red and green plates the same way or opt for a different layout?

    I am doing Dresdens too but mine are mixed (pointed and rounded blades) and in Civil War fabrics. I think I am also using a different ruler too. But Dresden's were a bucket list project for me too and I'm glad to finally be attempting it.

  22. They are all beautiful, but I LOVE the fresh flowers one the best!

  23. I love the colurs you use in your quilt. In this one, specially. The flowers fabric for the borders that is at the top right corner is so pretty...! it looks so nice with this top, it's a pity you don't have more.
    I love dresen plate too.

    Greetings from Spain


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