
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Yo-Yos and More Yo-Yos

If you have a JoAnn Fabrics store near you and you are signed up on their mailing list, you are never without a coupon to use there.  Awhile back I had a 40% off coupon so I wandered the store for awhile and found a yo-yo maker.  This was about the time that the issue of American Patchwork & Quilting had the turquoise strip quilt with yo-yos on the front cover.  So I bought the magazine and the 60 mm yo-yo maker, came home and looked at them for awhile, and then away they went into a drawer.

Then I was blog surfing and saw a yo-yo along at sewtakeahike blog.    I have several other hand projects going, but I already have the yo-yo maker and plenty of fabric.  So I've grabbed her button and started making yo-yos.
I don't know how many yo-yos I'll make, but they are a great take along project or something that you can take outside to work on.

First I traced a 5 1/2" circle onto a piece of sturdy cardboard (in this case a frozen pizza box).  Then I grabbed a stack of fabrics from my stash and while watching TV I traced circles using this template and then cut them out.  I'm using polyester thread.  I feel like it is thinner than my cotton thread and better sinks into the folds of the yo-yo when it is gathered.
NOTE: I tried to use a smaller diameter circle so that I could use charm squares, but it was just too hard to get it all centered to have enough around the yo-yo maker to stitch through.   

I thought this project would end up better if I found a container of some kind to keep everything in so it would all stay together, and I found a new photo box in the top of the closet so I'm using that. 

I'm off to a good start.

I'm using lots of bright fabrics.

Dots and plaids.......

And I've even added some of my Kaffe and Brandon fabrics.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend and finding some time to do a little stitching.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love your yo-yos, and am looking forward to see what you will make from them :-) Hugs

  2. Oh no -- please don't tell me they are fun and use scraps. Another addiction of the quilting variety! I have my JoAnn's coupon on my iPhone and ready to go this weekend. I love that extra 10% on holiday weekends. I'll be curious to see what you do with your little gems and will certainly check out the link you provided!

    Jan at

  3. You are always so busy...and having fun...pretty choices of fabric for the yo-yos..

  4. Love your yo-yo's! That is a fun way to use scraps. :-) Happy weekend!

  5. Love your Yo-yo's. So pretty & colorful. Haven't tried them yet, but planning to :) Have a great time this weekend:)

  6. What pretty colors! Any project would look great with those beautiful fabrics. It will be fun to see what they turn into.

  7. Very pretty yo-yos! Each of our quilts will indeed be one of a kind. It will be neat seeing them all later this year.

  8. So Pretty! I mad a friend who used to make them & store them in a large glass was the prettiest ornament!

  9. Your yo-yo colors are so bright and beautiful.

  10. Pretty yo-yos! I have a small yo-yo maker, but haven't used it. Your yo-yos have nice, tight centers.

  11. I bought one of the Yo-yo makers recently and made several for a little doll quilt. I placed them on the inner border. I was very please as to how it turned out. They are fun to make and easy. Great idea for using all the left over fabric scraps. Looks as though you have a great start.

    Happy 4th of July!

    Carolyn :)

  12. it's looking good LuAnn!! I have a shoe box that I'm putting mine in. A box is a good way to keep them all together, and my cat out of the yoyo's!

  13. You are off to a very good start LuAnn! Excellent fabric for yo-yo's.

  14. I love paper piecing, but yo-yo's drive me NUTS!
    I love your blog!

  15. Wonderful yoyos LuAnn. I have the small yoyo maker but the results are too tiny ,tried to buy the bigger one but the shop is out of them since the book came out. I could do it the old way:>))

  16. Love your yo yos. I like the clover maker. some of my friends don't but I think yo yos are so much easier to make using them.


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