
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Giant Granny Crochet Along

I'm still working on machine quilting more of my UFOs, but in the evenings I have been crocheting.  I joined the Giant Granny Crochet Along over at Le Monde de Sucrette's blog.  We are all just making one giant granny square, and I think we are going to try to finish with somewhere between 50-75 rounds or until we run out of yarn. 

Here is a photo of my afghan. I have 20 rounds done so far, and I have only used each color once. 

I still have 5 more colors left that I haven't used. 

So if I have 25 different colors of yarn and could use each one 3 times then I would make it to 75 rounds for my blanket. 

I think it would be fun to make one of these in a planned color scheme....maybe I'll do that for my second one.

I've started doing this CAL with some internet friends.  Check out Elly's, Cattinka's and Cyn's blogs.  There is also a Flickr group where we've posted photos. 

I hope you are finding some time to do some stitching or crocheting today. 

Thanks for stopping by for a visit. 


  1. I don't think I have made an afghan in about 20 years. Not even sure if I could still follow a pattern! I used to make baby afghans for my kids and my friends babies as they were born, but that was a log time ago.
    When I was in college I made my first afghan--Granny Squares, as a matter of fact, small ones that used up my Mom's leftovers from all of the knitting and crocheting she did. The squares sat in a box for years before I finally stitched them together and gave it to a family member for Christmas.
    Love the idea of the giant square--no stitching together! : )

  2. Hi LuAnn,
    I already saw you granny on fb. I think it is very pretty, you are using nice colous it will be a "happy" giant granny.

  3. LuAnn it is sp pretty, I love crochet..
    Enjoy your day and your sewing!!!

  4. Granny squares bring back fond memories f my own granny. IsN't it fun how everything old comes back to popularity again? Yours looks so fresh and new with happy colors and one big square.

  5. So nice! Wish I could's on my list of things to learn.

  6. I just love this! Such sweet old fashioned charm. I've never made a granny square. It seems like one of the first things most people learn to do, but some how I didn't. Guess I'm a crochet delinquent!

  7. Hello LuAnn,Thankyou for following and popping in.I am still new to blogging and love seeing all the craft and new people.
    I love your crochet and mix of colours.I never did learn to crochet.The table topper is lovely.
    It is great to get a finished project.

  8. Your little afghan looks wonderful. It will be lovely and warm when done! I really like that it is just one giant granny square.

  9. Pretty! It makes me want to pick up a crochet hook and try to teach myself how to make a granny, again. I need lots of hand holding.

  10. Crocheting is addictive! I don't dare to start until I have finished some quilt ufo's.....
    But it looks lovely.

  11. Hi LuAQnn
    Love the afghan. I have some half made ones some-where in the pile of UFO's.
    Love all the colours.


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