
Monday, September 19, 2011

Halloween Quilting and A New Camera

This afternoon I opened the bag of Halloween fabrics I've been collecting and decided that maybe it was time that I made something for Halloween.  Here is the fabric:

I've even collected some pumpkin buttons and orange, brown and cream variegated thread so that I can machine quilt whenever the project is finished.

But before I could sew anything I had to play with my new camera.  The one I've been using is one my husband bought to use for work.  I borrowed it, tossed it in my purse, and the view finder has been scratched since that day.  No amount of soft scrub or toothpaste would remove those scratches.  So I'm being extra careful with my new one.

It's a Samsung - 16 megapixel, and our TVs and blu ray players are Samsung so we decided why not a camera.  So far I'm happy with it.  The manual is on CD and is 127 pages so I've only waded through part of it.  But here is a feature that I accidentally found.

It has different frames you can use.  You can center a photo in the middle of the T-shirt drying on the line. 

You can put a photo in the TV set in the old fashioned living room.

Here's a photo on the billboard at the train station.

Here's a photo on the side of a building. 

In spite of taking a lot of photos today, I did get some sewing done.  Here is what I've made so far from the Halloween fabrics.

I think the pumpkin has his own thing going and needs to be in a different quilt than the rest of the blocks on my design wall.

Here is a bit closer photo of the stitchery in the center.  That is a design by Gay from Sentimental Stitches.  She had a survey on her blog awhile back, and for taking the time to answer a few questions she sent me the PDF of the little witch stitchery.  I think she will make a cute center block. 

I think this is what I'll work with tomorrow unless I come up with another idea over night. 

Next post I'm going to tell you how I make pinwheel blocks.  Until can see what others have on their design walls by visiting Judy here

I hope you are taking time to do some stitching today. 

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! 


  1. what a great Halloween block.

    What cool features your camera has. That would be a lot of fun to play around with.

  2. very nice color. Particularly outstanding black. I wonder IF YOU READY TO BE A Quilt!

  3. Love all the Halloween. Darling little witch! Congrats on the new camera!

  4. Very cute little witch stitchery. This will be a fun Halloween quilt.

  5. Hi LuAnn,
    you have collected pretty Halloween fabric, and the begining of your project looks nice already.
    I bet you will have a lot of fun with the new camera.

  6. LuAnn, you are very original.
    I see you're making the Halloween party. In my country you live in another way, although the American influence is coming.
    In my country, 'All Saints' is a very intimate party (the Fall in all its expressions) ...
    The fabrics are very happy. You are charming!

    (I can not speak English very well, I hope you understand me)

  7. Dear LuAnn,
    wonderful fabrics you collected. I love pumpkins to eat and to decorate in- and outside.
    Vour first block looks great. The embrodery is so cute. Enjoy your new camera.
    Have a nice day and do stitches in your sewing room.

  8. I too have been saving Halloween fabrics for a "someday" project and I recognized some of those fabrics. I'll be watching for inspiration and love the idea of adding some embroidery.

  9. Great quilt block idea. I love Halloween. And have fun with your camera.

  10. Very cute start on the Halloween quilt. I think the center embroidery block is perfect for the quilt. Love what your new camera can do, I have been thinking about a new one but so far have not wanted to do the homework of finding one the right one. Also learned a little tip, toothpaste for cleaning scratched lense, maybe I can make my old camera last a little longer.
    Happy Stitching,

  11. Very Cute Fabrics!
    You are having fun with your camera! I always say I'm going to learn to use mine more, but...
    Love what you are doing with your abrics. That stitchery is super cute!

  12. Love the Halloween Quilt you have started! It is so darn cute! The little stitchery is the perfect center!

    Have fun with that camera!

  13. Wow a great start LuAnn - very Halloween-ish! Its amazing what our cameras can do - I'm sure there are many features on mine that will never be discovered!

  14. Wow, I didn't know cameras could do that! I'm sure it would be too technical for me. Good start on your Halloween quilt.

  15. You have a made a great start on your Halloween quilt - it looks great!

  16. Love your Halloween project. I have one started and need to finish it, guess it's not going to happen this year!
    Congrats on your new camera.

  17. Won't it be fun to have a special quilt just for Halloween? I love the stitchery witch. Congrats on the new camera. Your extra features look like fun.

  18. LuAnn,
    Your fabric and blocks are so cute...never had a halloween quilt!!
    Now to the camera, I need a new one too. The batteries keep falling out of mine!! Keep me posted on how you like your news one...thanks!!

  19.'re 'spooky' pinwheels are fun!!!

  20. I adore your embroidery and the fabrics! So cute!
    Have fun with the new camera!


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