
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Table Topper

I have been around to visit your blogs, but for some reason I can't seem to leave a comment.  It has been this way for several days.  This is the prompt that I get when I try to comment. 
Cookie value is null for FormRestoration

Blogger doesn't seem to recognize me even when I'm logged in.  So when I comment I have to log in with my name and type my whole blog address in another window...and sometimes this doesn't work.  I ran Crud Cleaner and SpyBot on my computer today, and that didn't help either.  I'm wondering if this isn't a blogger problem.......    If you have any idea what I can do, please let me know.  Thanks for letting me vent. 

I am still basting quilts and table toppers with my 505 baste spray.  I'm still on the first can, and I'm getting quite a bit of mileage out of it.  Of all the table toppers I have, there wasn't a fall topper so I made one.  Here it is all basted and ready to quilt.

Here are the directions on how to make it:
Floral - I bought 2 1/4 yards so I would have enough for the backing
Rust -    1/2 yard
Yellow - You need about 4" so scraps work here
Green -  Again you need about 4" from scraps
Blue - Scrap piece about 4" wide
White - Scrap piece about 4" wide
Binding - Choose 1/3" to 1/2" of one of the above fabrics.  Yardage depends on how wide you prefer to cut your binding.

Floral:   Cut (2) 12" squares.  (Cut in half diagonally)
              Cut (1) 6" square for center.
              Cut (4) 4" wide strips for outer border

Rust:  Cut (2) 5" squares (cut in half diagonally)
           Cut (4) 3 1/4" squares
           Cut (4) 1 1/2" strips for inner border.

Green:  Cut (8) 3 1/4" squares for connector corners

Yellow:  Cut (4) 3 1/4" X 6"

White:  Cut (4) 3 1/2" squares (cut in half diagonally)
             Cut (4) 3 1/4" X 6"

Blue:  Cut (4) 4" squares for corners. 

Using the 8 green squares and the 4 white 3 1/4" X 6 rectangles, sew the connector corners as shown.

Lay the pieces out as seen below, and sew into rows.

Here is the center unit. 

 Sew the floral triangles on each side.

Add borders and quilt.

This is what's on my design wall today.  Visit to see what others are working on.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.


  1. LuAnn, glad you were able to leave a comment for me tonight.
    I love this table topper--beautiful floral fabric. The blue mixed in with the fall colors gives it a sparkle. Nice job. I am saving the pattern to use in the future. Thanks!

  2. Frustrating, isn't it? Seems like all my playtime spots have had issues lately, blogger, flickr & pintrest.
    Your topper is really cute. I love the colors you have chosen, and the center medallion.

  3. I loved seeing how your table topper came together. When I run into the unable to comment problem, I log out of google then go to and log in. then I can go back to the comment page and most of the time it works. It's a real pain, I know.

  4. Very pretty!..and thanks for the tutorial. I have been having trouble leaving comments on some blogs lately as well but only if the comment form is not set to a pop-up box. I think I will address it when I post next because it is getting frustrating!

  5. I too am having problems with blogger. I can only post on some blogs, but not others and my "followers" only appear when I go directly to the blog not thru the link on someone's sidebar. Very frustrating and I have no idea how to fix it!

  6. I have the issue of not being able to post on certain blogs as well. Hopefully it will get fixed....

    Lovely topper.

  7. There are some blogs that I can't leave comments on either, I think it's a Blogger issue. For me I've noticed that it's when the blogger has the comment box at the bottom of the post rather than in a pop-up window. I've had trouble for a few days now and it just happened again a minute ago.

  8. In the beginning, I had a horrible time. I could not leave a comment anywhere. Then Sharon of NY told me about leaving that little box that says "keep me signed in"...unchecked; when you sign in to blogger. That worked for me.

  9. I have been having the same problem, but only on SOME blogs. I have tried several things when this happens. Here is one solution I have tried. I go sign in, and then go to Account Settings, at the bottom of that page is my Reading list. I then click on the blog on the left in the list of my blogs that I wish to comment on, and the current Blog post is listed under reading list just to the right of that under "Items" I click on the post title and that takes me to the current post. For some reason at that point I am able to comment and it takes my post. Who knows???

  10. Hi LuAnn,
    very nice and thank you so much for the tutorial. You are so busy, your last posts are very interesting and the Santa looks so cute, red and white are my favorite colors for christmas. I'm doing some redwork embroderies for christmas now.
    Have a nice week and take care

  11. What Santa? LuAnn does such attractive projects, I didnt want to miss seeing it!

  12. I had trouble leaving comments when I used Internet Explorer. I switched to Google Chrome and have been able to leave comments.

  13. I don't know if it'll make any difference, but I use Mozilla Firefox and never Internet Explorer, and haven't had any such problem with leaving comments anywhere. I'm knocking on wood like crazy and hoping I don't jinx myself.
    My husband thinks that Google Chrome is the best one to use for anything.
    I hope you get things back to the comment-and-go mode.

  14. I love your table topper - so cheerful and the design and tutorial are great.

    I am glad you posted about the comment problem as I am having the same problem. Based upon your comments, so are many others.


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