
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Gifts

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Here are some of my presents. 
From my son and daughter-in-law I got the two Material Obsession books. I love the quilt on the cover of the first book.  The red polka dots really make that quilt sing.

This quilt is from the second book.  Each block has 72 pieces.  I think I'll put
this on my to do list.   Maybe I'll try just one block and make a pillow.

My daughter gave me this book of Crochet Borders.  There are some great ideas in this book, and I plan to use one of the borders in this book on the afghan I'm crocheting now. 

I also got this Jennifer Chiaverini book, too.  I plan to reread the rest of the Elm Creek series before I read this one. 

We didn't have a white Christmas, but we did have a little bit of snow today.  It had already melted some when I took this photo, but I always love the way our woods looks when it snows. 

I hope you all had a nice Christmas and that you are finding some time to do a bit of stitching.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! 
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  1. What lovely gifts you received, I also fancy the crochet edges book.
    The photo of the woods covered with snow is so beautiful....

  2. beautiful books. Are you happy with them. I ordered a book from America, but it is unfortunately not yet arrived. I look forward to.

  3. what a great selection of books you received for Christmas.........

  4. Lovely gifts....I am off to MO for a class soon!

  5. All kinds of fun books to accommodate your varied interests--quilting, crocheting, reading.
    I think I would love walking in your woods at any season of the year. So beautiful!

  6. Well, what can I say,... I wish I could visit you, n so we could drink a cup of coffee together, reading your books, and have a great time,...

  7. That's my kind of Christmas gifts since I am a book addict.

  8. Great books! I have a book with crochet edging around here somewhere. I should pull it out for inspiration. Have fun!!

  9. Lucky you to receive such fabulous books. I like the crocheted border book and think I'll look for that one. Love your snow peaceful looking.

  10. That's my kind of Christmas -- books and more books. Lucky you, LuAnn. I can relate to your plan re: the Jen Chiaverini books. The characters in the Elm Creek books are like old friends, but it's been so long. I've forgotten some of the details of their lives. I may pull out my ECreek books and start over again too.

  11. I have both those books. - Lovely!
    It must be neat to have snow for Christmas. The weather here in NZ this summer has been appalling - so much wind, and not many sunny days. Good for quilting.My DIL wants me to crochet a cardi for my Gdaughter. Do you know any good sites to check out?
    Have a great New Year LuAnn.

  12. Books are my favorite present to get too!

  13. Lovely books! Now you have plenty of inspiration again for the coming year! And it is nice to see even a little snow...

  14. You got some great books! So glad you had a good Christmas.

  15. Excellent books for Christmas LuAnn! And, great projects for the New Year.

  16. What a great bunch of creative gifts.
    I'm looking forward to your bew projects!!

  17. That looks like some good stuff. Can I tell you how long I've looked for a crocheted borders book? I just want to learn to crochet lace edges on hankies. Seems like what you got might be a good book for that.

  18. Wow great books!!
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, I had ;-))
    I saw that Elinor Burns has a new tabelrunner with a Dresden plates in it. You can go here and see for yourself:
    I loved it and I hope you will too !!
    I guess we can make it without a pattern, right ??

  19. just popped in to wish you and yours a very HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
    wet kisses from me, and hugs from mom


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