
Monday, January 16, 2012

Orca Bay Design Wall

I'm a little late (really quite a lot), but I've started the Bonnie Hunter Orca Bay mystery quilt.  I've changed the colors and substituted yellows and golds for the red that Bonnie used in her quilt.  

I'm glad that I took photos of the blocks, because from far away the blue block in the bottom right and the one in the far upper right (photo above) doesn't have the striped look that the rest have so I'll probably change them.  I love making string blocks, but I think I'm going to go back and start with step 1 and continue the mystery steps in order.

So much for not starting any new projects in the New Year.  That lasted almost 2 weeks unless you count the little houses from Building Houses from Scraps that I posted earlier. 

Visit Judy's blog to see what others have on their design walls today.

I hope that you're finding some time to stitch today.  

Thanks to my followers and readers.  I haven't posted for awhile because I've been having some internet problems this week.  I appreciate you stopping by for a visit. Posted by Picasa


  1. I LOVE the gold instead of the read. It looks so much warmer and more inviting. Are you getting ready for the super bowl??? How exciting!

  2. Love the colors. One thing I learned on blue blocks is that brighter is better. And keep darks out of them for better contrast against the blacks. Jan

  3. I like the colors you're using! I'll be watching your progress.

  4. Your Orca Bay color are very pretty! These go together with a WOW finish, and yours will be great, too. So far, I've only made 2 houses...slow process....

  5. Gorgeous sunset colors, LuAnn! Love this. It will be a beautiful quilt. I'm with you on joining up late. : )

  6. Love your colours change LuAnn, it will be beautiful !
    I don't understand how you resize the House PDF with EQ...:( Thank you

  7. The colors are very beautiful. I'll be very interesting your progress.
    Have a nice day

  8. Oh yes, I like your colour choice - great contrast. Have fun with this 'new' project!!

  9. Your Orca colours are wonderful. Those little strings are such fun. I am trying to resist the little houses project but I think I will probably join in soon.

  10. Nice start LuAnn. Isn't it funny how you see things in photos that you don't notice in person. I frequently find I am taking pictures of my quilts in progress just to check that. Have a good day!

  11. Your colour choices are great - I look forward to watching your progress. I had a lot of fun building my Orca Bay blocks and now I just have to get them all together.

  12. Your colors look great together. This looks like it will be fun to do.

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog, LuAnn. Alas, my Orca Bay top is far from finished! I still have 4 rows to assemble and attach, and then the borders. It's too big for my design wall now and I am doing it in 2 sections. Might be able to measure for borders tomorrow if I get those last rows finished today...

    Love your combination of blue and gold; your Orca Bay will be stunning when it's all together.

  14. Oh LuAnn -- I *love* the yellows/golds where the reds were -- it's gorgeous!!! :)

  15. Love the happy colors you chose. :)

  16. Love the blue and golds! Your quilt will be very striking!

  17. Wow! This is going to be a stunner. I love your color choices.

  18. I collected the instructions for that quilt but haven't started it. Proud of myself.

  19. Your color choices look great. I just can't start a mystery quilt, even ones as great as Bonnie's. I have to see the finished project first, and then decide if I like it well enough to invest the time.
    Internet problems here too. My problem today is that every single time I try to leave a comment, Blogger tells me that I've typed the verification word wrong. I type a new one, and same message, again and again. I eventually just publish my comment and it goes through. Blogger gremlins, I fear.

  20. Oh yes, gold and yellow is perfect with the blue!

  21. I need to string piece some of my scraps together and so something like this with them - great ideas!

  22. Your color choices are beautiful, have fun with Orca Bay!
    Quilting by the River


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