
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sonoma Rose Book Review

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Dutton Publishing to see if I would like to receive an advanced copy of Jennifer Chiaverini's new book, Sonoma Rose, to do a book review.  It will be available in bookstores on  February 21, 2012.  Of course I jumped at the chance.

 I have enjoyed Jennifer's books about the Elm Creek quilters, and Sonoma Rose is no exception.  This book is historical fiction about Rosa and Lars who were first introduced in The Quilter's Homecoming.  Sonoma Rose is a more in depth look at these characters.  This story takes place during Prohibition.   Rosa's husband, John, is an abusive man, and when she discovers that he is involved in bootlegging she finds an opportunity to take her four children and run away. Two of the children have a mysterious illness, and Rosa along with her true love, Lars are on the run.  Rosa, Lars, and the four children head for San Francisco to see a doctor that can find a cure for the children. From there they travel on to Sonoma County where they assume new identities and build a new life.

And....are there quilts in this book?  Well, of course.  Rosa has a quilt that was her great grandmother's wedding quilt.  The pattern in the quilt is called The Road to Triumph Ranch.  There is a drawing of the block inside the front cover of the book.  Even though I know that Rosa's quilt is made from totally different fabrics, I just couldn't resist making a couple of these blocks in Kaffe Fassett fabrics. 

I hope you will pick up a copy of Sonoma Rose and enjoy the story for yourself. 

By the way, Jennifer's next book is called The Giving Quilt to be released in October 2012.  This book is set in contemporary times as the Elm Creek Quilters have a special week at quilt camp to make quilts for Project Linus.  I can't wait for this one. 

  I hope you are finding some time to do some stitching and reading today!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks to Dutton Publishing for the advanced copy of Sonoma Rose!


  1. that looks pretty good,happy stitching,susi

  2. How fun to have publishers calling to give you previews of new books. It is definitely on my mst read list, though I am trying to make myself save it for spring break. Happy blocks, such fun colors.

  3. I have read and enjoyed most of Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek books and will definitely put this one and the still to be realeased one on my list. Take care.

  4. Those blocks are so cute! I haven't picked up the latest book yet. Thanks for reminding me.

  5. I love your blocks! I have that book requested from the library. :0)

  6. You are lucky to have read the book yet. I've read all Jennifer Chiaverinni's books and I love them, the only one that has been a bit "heavy" was "The Union Quilters" . I'm longing for Sonoma's one. I didn't know it was going to be another one in october and set nowdays.

    I love your blocks they are so colourful with these beautiful fabrics....

    Are you going to share the pattern? Please....

    A big hug

  7. Wow! How neat that you were asked to preview a new book. I enjoy reading her work.

    I enjoyed seeing your new red & white tablecloth. It is so pretty.

  8. Hello LuAnne.
    The Rosa blocks are very pretty made in the KF fabric and would look lovely in a quilt.I will try and get the book for my eReader It does sound an enjoyable read.

  9. Looks like a good book. :-) I love your blocks!

  10. I need to catch up on Jennifer's books. I've only read 3 so far.
    Your blocks turned out very lovely!

  11. Your blocks are so cute! I'll have to get this book, thanks for the review!

  12. Great blocks. Love the fabrics you chose. Fun.

  13. Hi Lou.... Thanks for sharing the sonoma rose block tutorial! I'm on the waiting list for this book at our local library and am looking forward to reading it.

    Happy quiting!



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