
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Won A Giveaway and Spring Trees

I was lucky enough to win a giveaway from Kathryn over at Needles and Pins blog.  Kathryn crocheted these dishcloths, and then after I won she let me pick the trim colors.  They look so fresh and springlike.  Thank you Kathryn for making these for me!  I love them.

This is one of the trees in our back yard - a flowering crab tree.

The tree in the foreground is a redbud.

This is the flowering crab at the front of our home.

This is my grandson, Daniel taken last Saturday at 4 days old.  He's being held by Grandpa.

There has been a little sewing going on here, but more on that in a couple of days. 

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
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  1. Wow! He looks so bright and his hair is combed like he is ready for first grade! What a cutie! Vicki

  2. Look at that sweet baby boy! Enjoy every minute you can with him!

  3. LuAnn, that is a mighty handsome little grandson!
    Those are lovely flowering trees. When my kids were young and we were putting in trees I avoided anything that flowered, remembering the numerous bee stings I suffered when my Dad's fruit trees were in bloom. Later I got smarter and bordered two sides of our yard with lilac bushes, so I have no flowering "trees". I sure admire them in other people's yards.

  4. so glad you like them...enjoy!!

  5. What beautiful photos of the trees and your grandson is very cute indeed. Take care.

  6. Congrats on winning the pretty dishcloths.
    Your plants and trees are beautiful. Spring is such a lovely time of year.
    Daniel is a heart-stopper. So handsome and look how alert he is!

  7. Darling Daniel! Isn't Spring gorgeous and it's early too. Handmade dish cloths are the best.

  8. I want to burst into song - Danny Boy!! Isn't he handsome.

  9. Oh, what a sweet baby! Lately I'm getting baby envy! (I'm too old for children and not old enough for grandchildren. hee hee)

  10. Awesome photo of Daniel at such a young age! He's so cute. Congrats on your win. Love, love, love those little baskets from a previous post.

  11. Your grandson is adorable. He looks as if he is taking whatever Grandpa is saying very serious.

    Thanks for the photos of spring, so pretty.

    blessings, jilly

  12. Ooooooo, what could be sweeter than that precious baby, oh my, so so sweet. :)

  13. Congratulations on your new grandson!! It will change your life, I tell you, for the good! He is so precious! Enjoy every minute with him - they pass quickly, as I've learned this past year, but I love every stage of their growth!

  14. stop my heart...he is just beautiful, gorgeous, tender and all boy....

  15. Dear LuAnn,
    congratulations to this wonderful grandson. Enjoy every minute with him. He is so sweet.
    I hope my little package will reach you soon.
    Have a wonderful weekend and take care

  16. Congratulations, LuAnn. He is so beautiful. You must be over the moon.


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