
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring is here!

The weather here has been unseasonably warm, and it appears that spring is arriving early this year.  I've been saving yarn and thin fabric strips to put outside for the birds to use as nest material. 
Here is a list of materials that I found on the Cornell University web site that are suitable for bird's nests.   
  • Dead twigs   
  • Dead leaves
  • Dry grass (make sure the grass hadn’t been treated with pesticides)   
  • Yarn or string—cut into 4- to 8-inch pieces   
  • Human or animal hair (especially horse hair) (use short lengths—no longer than 4-6 inches long)   
  • Pet fur (Never use fur from pets that received flea or tick treatments)   
  • Sheep's wool   
  • Feathers   
  • Plant fluff or down (e.g. cattail fluff, cottonwood down)  
  • Kapok, cotton batting, or other stuffing material   
  • Moss
  • Bark strips   
  • Pine needles
  • Thin strips of cloth, about 1 inch wide by 6 inches long
The container I've used is normally used to hold a suet cake for the birds to eat. I found this one in the pet aisle at my local supermarket.

The magnolia tree at the corner of the house is in full bloom.

I know this is called a tree, but it is really more like a bush.  The flowers grow on this thick mass of twigs.

The flowers don't last long; the petals are already starting to fall to the ground. 

I'm heading to the sewing room now to take a few stitches.  I hope you are either stitching or outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
Thanks for stopping by today!   
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  1. Great idea to put nesting items out for the birds. Thank you for writing up a list. I have a pair of grey doves that return every year to nest in one of my patio plants - I wonder if they would appreciate something to plump up the potted plant with? lol
    Your tree is gorgeous!

  2. What a great idea putting scraps out for the birds to nest, how cute their nests will look with pretty colours of yarn and fabrics.

  3. What lovely little nesties your birds will have. They will be redecorating this spring thanks to your decorative donations.

  4. I was just thinking the other day that I should go and cut up some of the yards and yards and yards of leftover yarn I have and put it out for the birds- great idea- and it is at the top of my list for tomorrow!

  5. What a great idea! I even have a suet feeder. WHat is the flowering tree?

  6. Oh I love all those bits of yarn for the birds, keep us posted if it empties. Fun idea. Your magnolia tree if beautiful. The Forsythia are blooming in Omaha about a month early because of our warm weather. Happy Stitching LuAnn

  7. I saved scraps one year and actually found them in birds nests in the keep an eye will see them too, I think...

  8. That is so clever.....

    love the flowers!

  9. What an incredible tree/bush! How long will it bloom? You must look forward to this each year.

  10. That magnolia is gorgeous! Must be nice to have warm weather. In the last 24 hours we've had hail, rain, thunder, snow, more rain, and now hail again! ::sigh:: will spring never come???

  11. I wish the nest outside my kitchen window had been made from such a colorful array of stuff. You must be the Home Depot of the bird kingdom in your area. : )
    Wow--I don't know if I've ever seen a magnolia tree in bloom. Outstanding!

  12. the beautiful flowers. We are not those of the magnolia. with you is hot?

  13. What a wonderful idea. would be interesting to see the nests that are made using some of the lovely bright threads etc.

  14. That's good idea! Have them been coming to get it? I leave the dog hair outside for the birds after I brush the dog. Good to know they can use it!

  15. Hello LuAnn,
    that so cute, and the birds will have beautiful colored nests ☺
    Your header ist very beautiful too!
    Liebe Grüße

  16. What a good idea LuAnn that basket for the birds.....never saw that before......only the one with seeds
    in fat in them for the winter...i still have that little rack and love the idea to put some treads etc. in it and hang it in our (modest)little garden....and that bush is so beautiful!! what a lovely flowers...just love white ones...its 8 o`clock pm here in Holland and i am going to crochet another little soapbag this week after blogging......enjoy your stitching...what a great hobby`s we have don`t we?!...greetings Francien.

  17. This is a cute idea. Let us know how it goes.
    What a lovely bush! We had another lovely day today and it looks like the rest of the week will be the same.

  18. Your Magnolia is beautiful,it is quite different to mine - I may have to hunt for one like it. A friend tosses her bits of threads and tiny scraps out the back door for the local birds, but what you do is even better. I bet you have lots of comfortable birds in your neighbourhood!

  19. Pretty gardens.
    I lay my threads out on the leaves but have not done a suet basket full! Very nice - and pretty too.

  20. Excellent idea to use a suet feeder. When I offered the birds my yarn and fabric, it blew all over the yard! Beautiful, beautiful Magnolia tree!

  21. I've been playing in my studio, thinking about all my little strips, and wondering what I could put them in that would keep them from blowing around everyone's yards but that the birds could still access. I'm going to look for a suet feeder. Thanks!


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