
Monday, March 12, 2012

Yarn On My Design Wall

I've seen all kinds of great quilts today on design wall Monday posts.  Instead of quilting, I really wanted to work with the yarn that I just bought on Saturday instead.

I really love Cath Kidston colors, and I tried to duplicate those in the yarn colors that I bought.  If you google Cath Kidston blanket images, you will find lots of crocheted afghans in her colors. 

I hadn't planned to start another project, but I happened on to the Sew! Cath Kidston book at my local JoAnns store. The bag (below left) was a gift from my friend, Fiona, of Country Threads blog

Do you ever have one of those days when you know you want to do something but can't quite figure out what that is?  My weekend was like that.

First I made a few granny squares from the yarn. 

I think I need a couple more colors to go with the rest.

So then I decided to knit a square.

Then I remembered the Creative Knitting magazine that I just bought at the grocery has several dishcloth patterns in it.   My daughter pulled out a couple balls of cotton yarn, and we each knit a dishcloth.  Hers is on the left. 

Hopefully I will get in the quilting mood again soon, but for now I'm in a yarn mood. 

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! 
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  1. I went through a major yarn mood this winter. Didn't feel like quilting, so I knitted. I know just what you mean. The other day, I bought yarn for three new projects. But I'm having fun sewing right now, so those will have to wait a bit. I enjoy seeing your yarn projects. Keep 'em coming!

  2. Yummy yarn colors! I haven't knit since I was about 11 and I haven't crocheted for a few years. You can tell I don't get in a yarn mood easily. : )
    Your Granny Squares are very cute!

  3. just beautiful...knitting is something I find myself thinking about more and more these colors, can't wait to see more squares!

  4. I have been in more of a yarn mood than quilt mood lately too. Maybe there is something in the air?

  5. Hello LuAnne,I know how you feel,love the yarn colours. I don't know what mood I am in .One day I am quilting next day knitting,next day hand sewing hexies. Any wonder I am not having any finished projects.haha

  6. these yarns look "lushie" ...I have been crocheting more lately and am even starting a baby gift...
    I AM getting your dish cloths in the mail soon, I promise...sorry to be so slow...I actually forgot the last time I was at the PO...


  7. I've been in a "yarn mood" for the past few days and seeing your photos just makes me want to run to the nearest yarn shop! I love the colors in the pic!

  8. There is nothing wrong with being in yarn mode! I did that a lot this winter. Love all your yarn colors and will search this gal and see what she is about. :)
    The dishcloths look great.


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