
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Valentine Heart Table Toppers Finished

 I just finished two Valentine Heart Table Toppers this weekend.  I was working on these before Valentine's Day when a small cutting mat slid underneath one of them and my sewing machine stopped working.  Now they are ready for next year.  To the right you can see the beginning of a granny square crochet project that I've been working on.

Here is a closer photo that shows the machine quilting a bit better.  I'm using the Heart Paisley design by Leah Day

My peony bushes have huge buds already (complete with ants).  This is the Indiana state flower and usually doesn't bloom until sometime in May so we are definitely having an early spring.

This is my latest photo of my grandson, Daniel, taken last Wednesday at 2 weeks old.

I hope you are having a nice Easter weekend with family and friends and finding a few minutes to do some stitching.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Your hearts look beautiful, LuAnn, and I think it is great to be a year ahead on holidays. The quilting looks great!
    We had peonies down one side of our house when I was small and I can definitely recall the ants that were ever present on them.
    Oh, isn't that little guy precious!
    Happy Easter to you!

  2. So glad you were able to finish your hearts. The quilting looks great! Adorable shot of the new grand baby -- congratulations.

  3. I love the quilt in your header with the applique and the triangle border around it. It reminds me in a way of what I am doing with triangles and the Pineapple Square I am working on.
    Cute baby!!

  4. Your hearts are great! Love the grany squares too ;-)
    Congrats on the grandbaby - so sweet.
    Oh - peonies - I used to have 20 varities - they are such beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing.

  5. The heart paisley quilting design you chose is perfect for this project. Congrat's on finishing it way ahead of next February. You're prepared.

    Daniel is at that hug-gable, snuggly age. They're so precious.

    Our peonies aren't nearly as far along as yours. I'm looking forward to seeing those ants!

  6. Your hearts are simply lovely; and Daniel is too. Happy Easter...Julierose

  7. Daniel is so cute. Your hearts are wonderful, after Valentine's day is before.
    Happy Easter to you and your whole family

  8. Great hearts. Nice quilting.
    Daniel looks so sweet. Grands are so much fun.
    Your new blog header is fab!
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  9. Hola LuAnn!!!
    Gracias por acordarte de mi, he estado enferma...
    Tus trabajos siguen siendo preciosos.
    Daniel, tu nieto es todo un tesoro, me alegro mucho por tí, espero que sea muy feliz.
    Un besito para el bebe!!!
    Hasta pronto...
    Saludos desde España!!!

  10. Hi, LuAnn. Congratulation on your grandson. Your hearts looks beautiful.

  11. Such a gorgeous little chap. Love your stories. Hugs xx


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