
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rainbow Scrap Challenge Orange Saturday

I had a small pile of orange fabric scraps left over from a Halloween project that I've been working on, and I decided to sew these 3 1/2" string blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this month.    I'm not sure whether I'll make these 16 little blocks into one project or keep them for a larger project.

To see what others are doing with their orange scraps this week, visit So Scrappy blog on Saturday morning.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!


  1. Love that Candy Corn fabric...a cheery Fall look to these...Julierose

  2. I'm still trying to like orange....... but I do love those little strings :).

  3. What cute fabrics! Orange is one of my favorite colors! :0)

  4. 3.5 is such a nice size for string blocks. So cute and petite. Hope you find a nice place for them to live.

  5. These are fabulous blocks! Love 'em!
    And your blog header photos are just gorgeous!

  6. I love the Halloween theme.

  7. Great little blocks. Cheery and fun. Who knew Orange could be so fun?!

  8. Ooh-la-la! Your Halloween string blocks look great! I love Halloween & Halloween fabrics - looks like you have a neat selection.

  9. Wow! LOVE the scrappy orange squares...they are so appropriate for this time of year. I've been doing so much hand appliqueing I drool over scrappy projects when I see one I like.

    In stitches, Teresa :o)

  10. Oooh, so bright and fun. Very cute.

  11. Love your orange string blocks! Great fabrics!

  12. Love these little orange squares. Think of all the ways you could set them.


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