
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Making Bean Bags

The other afternoon before I went to babysit with my grandson, I made  some bean bags for him to play with.  I made 8 bean bags in no time.  Here is how I did it.

I cut two 5 inch squares from each of the fabrics you see below.  I also cut two 5 inch squares of muslin for each bean bag.  This would be a good charm pack project.

I had to go out and buy the muslin, and while I was there I saw the Sesame Street fabric and couldn't resist buying just a bit of that, too.

I chain sewed the muslin with a 1/2" seam allowance.  

If you start on one side of the square and sew a few stitches on that fourth side, it makes it easier to turn the edges under and machine sew them when they are full of the beans.

Put 3/4 cup of lentils or other dried beans in each bag.
Then I just rolled the edge under and sew.  Sometimes those beans took on a life of their own when they were put under that presser foot.

Daniel is almost 18 months so I thought we could play..."throw the (fill in the color) bean bag"

I had a bit of leftover wrapping paper and covered a box so we could make a game out of it.  Daniel had fun playing bean bag and also enjoyed pushing the cat around in the box.

I know that Cornhole is really popular, and if you have someone that is good at woodworking you can make a game board pretty easily.  If you just Google Cornhole game, I'm sure there are some measurements and/or directions on line to make a board.  

I know you don't really need a tutorial to make a bean bag, but I've been busy and have been doing some hand work in the evenings so there isn't really a lot to show yet.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. Cute idea, LuAnn. You must be a fun grandma!

  2. Thanks! You just reminded me I need to make a couple of wheat bags :o) What is it with kids, cats and boxes.. bet they both had fun. Love the bean bag game... makes me wish I had grandchildren ;o))

  3. What a great reminder of how fun and easy some things are. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Cute bean bags. I have 8 grandkids all under the age of 10 and I bet they would enjoy a Cornhole game, whatever that is..Got to check that out!

  5. I like the idea of a bean bag as a toy! yours look very nice.

  6. I like the idea of a bean bag as a toy! yours look very nice.

  7. I like the idea of a bean bag as a toy! yours look very nice.

  8. I like the idea of a bean bag as a toy! yours look very nice.

  9. I like the idea of a bean bag as a toy! yours look very nice.

  10. I like the idea of a bean bag as a toy! yours look very nice.

  11. Luann I was truly inspired by your hexies. You know how to pick colors well.I am trying some out but my colors OH well !!!Here I am again,...


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