
Monday, January 27, 2014

Rotherfield Grey Progress

I've been working on the next round of Rotherfield Grey from Primarily Quilts by Di Ford.  This border is really taking some time.  It is made up of 28 scrappy hexagons and the four six pointed stars in the corners on a pieced border.  

The hexagons are 5/8", and I used my scraps to make them.  The pattern calls for 3/4" hexagons.  If you can get a close look at the stars in the corners of the inner borders, they are the size called for in the book, and it was hard to get a quarter inch seam without cutting off the star points.

So I decided to make these hexagons just an eighth inch smaller so I'd be sure they would fit in the border.  

Our city is closed down tomorrow for the most part (city offices, schools, trash pickup, some businesses) because the wind chills are going to be around -20F to -40F.  It's not that I really have anywhere to be, it's just that there is another day of  knowing that if you do venture out, the cold will feel like it goes straight through you.  On the plus side, it will be another day to do some stitching.  

The Weather Channel came up with a list of the 20 coldest major cities in America.  So if you are on this list (and Indianapolis is), you will understand it when I say that we have a lot of winter weather left, and this is getting a bit old.  

Here is the list:

 1.  Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
 2.  Anchorage, Alaska
 3.  Madison, Wisconsin
 4.  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
 5.  Omaha, Nebraska
 6.  Chicago, Illinois
 7.  Lincoln, Nebraska
 8.  Rochester, NY
 9.  Buffalo, New York
10.  Fort Wayne, Indiana
11.  Toledo, Ohio
12.  Detroit, Michigan
13.  Akron, Ohio
14.  Cleveland, Ohio
15.  Indianapolis, Indiana
16.  Colorado Springs, Colorado
17.  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
18.  Denver, Colorado
19.  Kansas City, Missouri
10.  Boston, Massachusetts

Let me know if your city made the list.  

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday over at Patchwork Times.  You can go there to see what others have on their design walls today.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.   


  1. Wow, such impressive work!! It is just beautiful.

  2. Your quilt is beautiful! I like making tiny hexies, and they go a little faster, but they can be hard to handle. Definitely worth it though!!

  3. What a beautiful quilt! Cleveland is on that list too, and I'm just over an hour away from there. How long until spring? LOL

  4. Your quilt is so beautiful. I am in the ozarks of Mo, but I see a couple hours away Kc, Mo is on the list. it has been a rough winter for sure Kathy

  5. Your quilt is looking great. Be sure to post it on a Facebook at the Di Ford group. Everyone will love seeing it.
    No snow here, but very cold winter for the Mid South.

  6. No snow in Wichita but its cold for here! I agree, good day for stitching.

    Your Rotherfield Grey is looking good! Its another quilt I'd like to make someday.

  7. Going to be a cold one tomorrow in the greater St. Louis area ... A good day to stay inside and quilt, if you ask me. ;-)

    I am in awe of that quilt! Gorgeous!

  8. Beautiful quilt! Those are unbelievably cold temperatures. Tonight we will be down to 14 degrees. Colder than usual for us. Stay warm.
    The stars in your last post were awesome.

  9. What a beauty your Rotherfield Grey is! Lots of hand stitches.

    Des Moines is not on the list, but I see my hometown of Milwaukee made it. It's been a strange winter!

  10. What an incredible quilt! I can see this beauty takes skills way beyond my ability. I am very impressed, LuAnn!

  11. This is surely a labor of love, those hexies alone would drive me bonkers! But, then again, so would the weather. Stay warm ~

  12. Send me some of your cold weather! I'm currently melting here in Melbourne it is 41 degrees (Celsius) which is about 106 F. Love your Rotherfield Grey quilt, very clever to reduce the hexie size.

  13. Gorgeous LuAnne....gee that is so cold...

  14. I love your quilt - it is just gorgeous. I am in southern Ontario, Canada so not on your list but we ARE freezing!!!

  15. This is going to be such a great quilt. We have had some cold weather here in OmHa but you guys in Indianapolis have gotten so much snow, it seems to bypass us and hit you this winter. Stay warm and keep stitching :)

  16. Your doing such a great job with your RG quilt. I can’t believe you have made all those little hexagons.

  17. Your Rotherfield quilt is coming along beautifully! Taking time to be precise as you are is certainly evident. Love all your fabric choices.

    We are at -25 this morning - wind chills at -40-50 below. Surprised Anchorage made the list - they have set records for warm weather and no snow. Our kids live north of there. 40's and 50's have been typical lately. We are getting their winter!

  18. Love your quilt. I am 50 miles west of you in Parke County. Out of school today due to temperatures. Got a hexie quilt in the works--for 2 years. I'll get it done someday. Just need to finish the borders.

  19. Yeah....I'm on the list at #10. Brrrrr. Love your quilt... those tiny hexies are just amazing and really set off the quilt! Stay snug!

  20. oh, your top is just gorgeous. My state didn't make the list. I live in NC. We have been having colder than usual weather for our winter. We got some snow today.

  21. This looks like quite a challenge, but I'm sure you're up to the task. You've completed such beautiful projects over the time I've been following your blog, and this one will be right up there with its complexity and beauty when it's done.
    We're not on the list--actually not a single city in Iowa, but we've been quite the challengers this month. UGLY WEATHER--YUK !!

  22. What an amazing work of art you are making! I am in awe of your talent! I am breathless, and it isn't from the cold! LOL

  23. Hello LuAnn, This quilt is "Over The Moon" amazing. I am your newest follower #465. I'm a beginner to quilting, but have fallen in love with the art of quilting. Yours is art, mine is . . . . well, beginner. I'm an old dog learning a new trick, but we all have to start somewhere. I have limited use of my right hand and the only way to keep what I have is to use it all the time. Therefore; I sew, knit, crochet, journal, play guitar and now quilt. I love the hexagon and always thought that it would be too hard for me to do. Then a couple of weeks ago I was watching Fons & Porter and they showed it step by step, and now I'm making them and planning another quilt. Your blog is so inspiring and your work is amazing. I hope you don't mind me tagging along on your creative journey. If you don't mind looking at a beginners work, I would love to have you visit my blog.
    Your new blogging sister, Connie:)
    P.S. I was born and raised in Indiana, but have been living in Washington state for 40 years. You can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can't take Indiana out of her heart :)

  24. Your hexagons look fantastic !!

  25. Your quilt looks amazing, what an achievement! Hope the cold eases soon.

  26. Thank goodness my city did not make your list. We did have some snow here in GA last week which is very unusual.
    I am just loving this quilt. You are doing a beautiful job.

  27. Fabulous quilt!
    Yep, my city is on the list: Detroit... Stay warm!

    Could use a snow/ cold day off myself.

  28. Love watching the progress! Spent 3 very cold years in Omaha having babies. Had to stay warm! ;O This year is measuring up close to 1978.

  29. Love watching the progress! Spent 3 very cold years in Omaha having babies. Had to stay warm! ;O This year is measuring up close to 1978.

  30. Yep, we are number ONE! Sewing as much as possible while I am stuck inside.


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