
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Benjamin Biggs 2....And Almost 1....

I've completed my Benjamin Biggs Block 2.

Benjamin  Biggs is a free BOM offered by Gay at  and Brenda at .

Then there is block number 1.  I was trimming my blocks to take blog photos.  If you take a look at the bottom right corner of block 1 below, that isn't a thread.  I trimmed it 2 inches short.  If you follow the imaginary line up the side of the block, it is going to be too close to use in my quilt.  I could just log cabin more fabric on all 4 sides just like Jane Stickle did in the original Dear Jane quilt, but I couldn't leave well enough alone.  I tried using my seam ripper to selvage that red fabric I wanted to use.  That was working out fine when I noticed that the red had faded onto the background fabric when I sprayed it with water to remove my placement lines.  So I've started again.  After stitching on it last night, I think that fabric is too thin and it is fraying like crazy, so I am going to prep another block and start over again.  I've reduced my blocks to 75%.  I also did block number 1 in the full size. 

Yesterday was a crazy weather day.  The sun was out until early afternoon.  Then we had sleet and freezing rain and a little snow.  Today it is in the 40s and things are starting to melt.  

Hope you are finding some time to stitch today!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!  


  1. Oh no...such a dilemma - evidently that block was sending you some sort of message - maybe it was meant to be about rethinking that red fabric...everytime I start to applique after back basting, the thought is always there about cutting the background by accident..

  2. Well Jan from Sew and Sow Farm sent me I signed up for your emails. Looking forward to reading them.

  3. I have seen several blogs featuring these blocks... they are gorgeous! They look like they require a lot of patience...
    I applaud you for your patience with block #1!!!

  4. It is a gorgeous block LuAnn. Keeping my fingers crossed this next one will work out. I need to check out that BB BOM. Looks very interesting!
    xo jan

  5. Oh, so sorry about your trouble/dilemma! But I love your blocks!! I'm working on mine - had some other projects to finish, but hope to finish blocks 1 & 2 before #3 comes out!


  6. I hate it when a project starts out like that. Maybe you got it all out and it will be smooth sailing for now on.

  7. Oh, my goodness, LuAnn. I admire your tenacity! I think I might have tossed it in a closet and locked the door after all that! : )

  8. Your new header is FANTASTIC! You should be teaching classes. Benny is Looking good!


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