
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Millefiori Quilt Along Progress

Apologies if you received my last post twice.  I was adding the Pin It button to my side bar to make it easier to pin from your tablet or phone.  On a computer, there should be a Pin It button that appears when you hover your mouse over a photo.  

This is my Millefiori Block 1 of the quilt along from the book The New Hexagon by Katje Marek.  Katje gives directions for one block a month from her book, and you can either print the blocks on card stock and cut out the shapes to English Paper Piece or you can order the precut papers from

To be honest, I've spent way too much time puzzling and trying to figure out what fabrics would look best with the fabrics I've already sewn.  The diamonds for the next round are different in the photos that I'm posting.  One problem is that there is really no good way to see what the finished block will look like unless you cut the fabrics and sew a couple blocks of each round together.  Another problem for me is that these hexagons measure 3 inches on a side.  After working on Dear Jane and Nearly Insane, one block that measures 3 inches is huge.  And yet another problem is that sewing and twisting these large pieces hurts my hands after I sew awhile.  

So after working with this block off and on for the last month, I'm going to set it aside and work on it at some other time, or I may re-purpose it into the center medallion of another quilt.  

I think when a project goes from being fun to something that you dread, it's time to move on.

Even Tiki has had enough of this block.

Here is an idea I have for the center medallion of a Christmas quilt using the first block from my Christmas Millefiori Block 1.  The 6 surrounding hexagons are from the book Pieced Hexies A New Tradition in English Paper Piecing by Mickey Depre.  

For now I'm going to work on more of my 3/4" hexagons.  I'm not sure what this project will be yet, but I love these little blocks.  

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.  


  1. I am in amazement of how you do all of these by hand! Just threading my machine or ripping something out turns my hands into all thumbs! Such beautiful work, but, I do agree with your sentiments....if you dread working on something, and your heart isn't in is time to find something that fulfills your artistic aesthetic.

  2. I can not imagine the difficulty of doing that square. It is beautiful and looks like looking into a kaleidoscope, but if it is that stressful, I would be putting it away . . . out of sight, too. You are a very brave quilter to tackle something like that. Bravo!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  3. I too had similar difficulties with this block. I am ready to stitch the final round of the first rosette but dread the size of it! I too found it to be rather stressful so may only finish that large medallion, plenty of other things to keep me busy!

  4. I'm glad to 'hear; what you have to share about your Millefiori block woes... I so want to start that same quilt, but I keep telling myself just finish the ongoing projects first! So after hearing you, I'm going to stick to my guns!
    Great work and LOVE your flowers! -can't wait to see them in Shipshe!

  5. Life is too short and there are way too many quilts on the to-do list to spend your time working on something that you're really not all that interested in. That Christmas project is going to be spectacular ... I can't wait to see more of it. And your little 3/4" hexie flowers are just too adorable for words!

  6. I am always amazed at your talent for fussy-cutting to create an incredible design. What you have finished on this block is stunning and will be a thing of beauty no matter what you decide to do with it!

  7. Thanks for sharing the information. I've been trying hard to resist this one. There's a new Tula Pink line coming out next month. Someone posted one block down as a small quilt. Maybe just doing one will get it out of my system.

  8. I agree that the fabric selection is the most difficult part of Millefiori but I think that you were doing a great job. I've only just started my second rosette because I couldn't figure out my fabric choices. And the larger pieces are definitely more challenging to work with unlike 1" or 3/4" hexagons! I'll keep plugging away at it but if it isn't fun I too will set it aside!

  9. LuAnn, such a beautiful block and love the Christmas Block. I think either block would make great Medallion quilts.

    RE all the problems you had and decided to put the "difficult" project away for another day.... I saw the quilt and decided to go for the BOM and ordered the book on Amazon - until I found out to purchase the master set of templates (acrylic) would be over $100.00, I quickly cancelled my book order and going on with current projects. I so enjoyed you sharing your experience, it makes me feel that I made a great decision for me. I purchased Stonefields and that is one that I know I will enjoy.

  10. I just can't get enough of your fantastic fussy cutting paper piecing! Again, thank you for the information. I bought the New Hexagon quilt book, but am unsure of whether I want to take it on.
    BTW, I have been having comment issues over the past year. Through google, I think/hope the comment rejection issue has been solved just by switching the email account.

  11. Hi, I have just finished the first 5 Hexagons from the book "The New Hexagon". I have the e-book with pdf templates. I am thinking to make a Millefiori Quilt, (maybe just one flower). and I know that it might get very big. Now my idea is to print the pdf in a smaller scale, may 75%. Do you have any experience with that? By the way I love your fussycuts very, very much! It inspires me so much!
    Love Marisa


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