
Monday, June 5, 2017

To Blog, Or Not to Blog?

Happy June everyone!   I've received emails from several of you and have been asked in person (some of you have asked more than once - thank you and I sincerely mean it!), why I haven't been blogging and if everything is ok.  Thank you all for your concern.  I truly appreciate it.  Everything is just fine.  I've been really busy.   I have 47 draft blog posts in my drafts folder.  Writing this now feels a bit like when someone writes you a snail mail letter, and after so much time goes by you can't figure out how or where to even start. So I'll just jump in in the middle and fill in around the edges later!

I'm on Facebook some - maybe 2 or 3 times a week.  I hardly post there; that is just mostly to keep up with family for me.   I'm also on Instagram.  You can follow me there.   Instagram is so quick and easy to just post a quilt photo and a couple of words, and you're finished.  I think a lot of bloggers have gone that way just to save time.  A lot of the bloggers that I used to read regularly have stopped posting.  I enjoy reading blogs, but I also know what time is involved in taking the photos, editing them, and then writing a post.  I guess what I'm wondering is if those of you that see and read this would rather just see a photo once in awhile on Instagram, or would you rather read a blog post?  I miss the blogs that I used to read regularly, and I would like to know what you think.

I've published 7 patterns to date and have taught some classes and workshops on them.  I'll post photos from some of my workshops in a later post.  You can see my patterns in my Etsy shop here.

I have been trying to work my way through my stack of UFOs.  My daughter-in-laws Mother passed away in early February, and she was only 2 years older than I am.  So I thought maybe it was time I do something with all of the tops I've finished.  My thinking is that someone would be more likely to do something with them if they are actually finished rather than just a top.  So, I sent the larger quilts like the Bonnie Hunter mysteries to my favorite long arm quilter.  (I'll take photos and post later.)  The smaller ones that I think I can manage, I'm doing myself.

These 3 quilts were all quilted by me on my home machine (a Bernina 160).  The is a Kim Diehl pattern called Short and Sweet from her book Simple Charm.    Her pattern had petals around the outside of the quilt in the border, but this border stripe was in my stash so I used it.

This is Peppermint Twist from Jo Morton's book Remembrances.  This book has been out since 2007.  Doing a quick Google search, it is out of stock most places.  I did echo quilting around the center.  I really enjoy echo quilting.  Maybe it's because there is an imaginary quilting line to follow.  

This quilt is my own design.  I had the hexagons either left over from another project, or they could have been from a project I'd started that never saw the light of day.  The baskets are from the book When the Cold Wind Blows by Barb Adams and Alma Allen.  This book is from 2008.  The baskets in my quilt finish at 3" and are the result of staying up too late at a quilt retreat.  A lot of us were making the famous basket quilt called Trick or Treat from the book.  As I remember it, the quilt has 300 or so baskets that finish at 5".  Someone thought it would be a good idea to downsize them to finish at 3".......and I was too tired to think straight.  I did the 3" baskets you see in the quilt below and stopped.  My 5" baskets are still in a baggie waiting to be sewn into a top.  I haven't counted them, but I didn't come close to the 300 baskets in the book.  

I drew the basket, made some stems and leaves and then added the hexagon flowers.  I did echo quilting around this center block.  I try to keep with the Dear Jane motto, "Finished is better than perfect."

My favorite books on machine quilting are Heirloom Machine Quilting by Harriet Hargrave and the Shape by Shape books by Angela Walters.  I think the best way to do machine quilting is just to "go for it".  It's like learning anything:  the best way is to just practice.

I hope you will answer my question:  To blog or not to blog?  You can leave a comment below or email me at

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! 


  1. I really love to read blogs, and I think it would be a good way for you to continue to advertise. BLOG! is my thought!!

  2. I've missed you! Please don't stop. Just do a check in once in a while when you can.
    I've been blogging less and less. And I miss it. I try to at least do Design Wall Monday, sometimes I'm late. :)
    I totally get the catching up on UFOs. I'm trying to do the same thing. But once in a while-far too often- a new project or 3 jumps in. Hahaha

  3. I continue to blog because I get to know people and interact. I get to help people with explanations. I find Instagram like eating tic tacs, not real satisfying, lasts for a moment, and then forgotten. The posts don't have to be long or involved, just descriptive of what is going on in your studio. I am thankful for those who regularly blog and have become friends of mine.

  4. i vote for continuing with the blog as well...even if only once/twice per your chatty news and delish photos...don't you just love jo morton???

  5. Blog please Instagram seems so inpersonalbe

  6. I LOVE to still read blogs, it doesn't matter to me that you don't post often and I agree with another comment that it is still good advertising for your work and designs. LOVE all your quilts you have finished, just lovely !! Take care from Iowa

  7. What a timely post. I do enjoy reading blogs but since I got my iPad I've had trouble writing posts and blogging because it's so easy on Instagram. I also found that so many blogs have simply become advertisements to promote someone's business and not a regular quilter sharing her journey and thoughts. I'm also on Instagram and enjoy quickly browsing thru them. But I miss the feeling of reading a post and feel like I'm getting to know someone as opposed to reading an advertisement. I also like the feeling that I have become blogger friends with people around the world. If I could figure out how to blog on the iPad with pictures from my iPhone I'd be a happy camper!!

  8. I vote for Blog! I know I do fewer posts than I used to, but I've made friends around the world. I don't have a specific schedule, but try to do at least a couple each month. Pop in when you can, and update us on your life! Your quilts are beautiful, and now I want to make the one with baskets and hexies. Hope to see you around. Oh, and don't think you have to go back and 'catch up". Just jump in when/if you feel like it.

  9. It's so good to hear from you again. I understand the work a blog takes. I still like seeing photos on a desktop rather than. The phone. Would love to see you continue with your blog!

  10. You should do what works best for you, but I personally prefer blogs. I am not a high tech person and don't do Instagram. Several blogs that I used to read have not been kept up and I miss them.

  11. I have missed you too, Luann, and glad you're asking the question. I'll try not to make this too long.

    Facebook, instagram etc have their place, but the blogs are where you truly get to know each other. We get to see how we all work - the similarities, and the differences. The processes, and the individual styles. We share techniques, and tips. I've personally been tremendously inspired by the quilters who's blogs I read, including yours. Unfortunately, many of them have ceased to post.

    I understand! I myself hadn't posted in several months, until a few days ago. It IS very time consuming, but I'm back at it, because its my way of giving back to the rest of you who blog.

    Luann, I'll never forget when you posted each step of your Phoebe quilt. I had just gotten on to the blog scene, and never realized there were quilters like you out there, doing the kind of work that you do, who were willing to share like you do. Not only was I inspired by your work, but by the quilting community itself. The blogging sphere opened up a whole new world of information, inspiration, and friendship. I hate to see it diminish.

    I hope you choose not to give up blogging.

  12. I am not on Instagram or Facebook--I just do blogs. I would really miss you if you stopped altogether. You were one of the early blogs I started following and I have learned much from you.
    You have to do what works for you, but I would love to see you continue to blog!

  13. It's good to hear from you Luann. I read posts and have my own blog. That's it, no facebook, no twitter, no instagram or anything else. I've enjoyed reading your blog so If you quit blogging, I'll miss you. Love your Peppermint Twist and your basket quilt is cute. Have a good time stitching!

  14. Hi Luann. I've always enjoyed your blog. And I too agree some bloggers have dropped off. I find I can spend considerable time reading blogs and catching up with all sorts of "quilty' people; it's enjoyable and inspirational. I find it admirable that you and many others share your skills and accomplishments online in a blog. But I have to admit I feel guilty; I could put the time to better use by spending that time sewing and quilting, creating items for loved ones. Thus, realizing what a time commitment you make in writing a blog, you must decide too is that really the best use of your time. So whatever you decide, I'm fine with your decision. I just went out and followed your instagram acct. Thanks!

  15. Glad you let us know about your Instagramming. I just followed you. I do enjoy your posts, as they seem newsier, but I don't have a blog for all the same reasons people have stopped blogging. I'll be happy to read your news wherever you post.


  16. I seem to be blogging less and less also, and have been spending a lot of time on IG. It's definitely faster and easier. I feel like I need to start working on my projects instead of spending time reading, even though I enjoy seeing what others are up to.

  17. I love to read blogs and see pictures, but I understand the time commentment. I will look for you on IG and FB. I am sewseitz or sewseitz1. I love south of Indy.

  18. Loved your quilts, especially peppermint twist. You did a great job quilting.

  19. It's great to see you back, you've been missed. Please, please continue to blog. Love your little quilts. I've wanted to make peppermint twist since I bought the book. Should get a move on!

  20. I vote for blogging too! I tried Instagram but I prefer the story or the occasional tip and tutorial. A few bloggers that I follow have been talking about the same thing. There has been a decrease in posts from many bloggers I follow but I still love them! And as a fellow blogger, I have found I'm not blogging as often and have wondered if anyone is reading anymore but I still enjoy it so I guess I'll still write it. Please keep sharing bloggers!

  21. I too am not blogging as much Luanne, but please dont stop blogging. I Love reading Your posts. :-)

  22. Hi Lu Ann
    I know what you mean about blogging, it does take lots of time and I only blog maybe once a fortnight now. But I still enjoy it and I love reading other blogs such as your own. I don't do facebook so I love to read through my regular blogs and see what they have been up to.
    I don't get that many readers to my blog but that's Ok, Its something I can look back through whenever I like and see my old projects. xx

  23. Hello LuAnn,
    please don't stop blogging. It's wonderful reading your posts and seeing your beautiful quilts and all the other things.
    I hope you'll have a nice time today in your sewing room.
    Take care and all the best for you

  24. I do hope you keep blogging but you will also mainly get bloggers answering these question.....another friend basically asked the same thing a few days ago........she is continuing on blogging......
    Blogging is not the same as IG or Fb and blogging is how I have connected with many...not just from the pics but also what they write.......just seeing a pic would not connect me to someone............
    I do enjoy your blog and I hope you continue to blog...........

  25. oh and a beautiful quilt..........

  26. The three inch basket blocks are wonderful! So tiny!
    I don't have a smart phone but can view Instagram on the computer so I am now following you. I prefer the blog posts because there is usually more info about what a person is working on. I realize that Instagram is quicker but sometimes quilters just post a picture of their quilts and not even a pattern name. It is good seeing a newsy post from you.

  27. Your finishes are great Luann. Well done getting those UFO's done.
    I still so enjoy reading blogs and yours has been a top favorite of mine. I missed you and hope you decide to carry on blogging. You must do what feels right for you though.

  28. For purely selfish reasons, please keep blogging! I enjoy reading your blogs and have essentially taught myself to quilt by reading posts by very generous bloggers. I learn so much more from reading bloggers' posts than from looking at pictures on instagram. I really appreciate the time and effort that regular bloggers spend on their posts. Posts are personal and interactive--real communication, not just a short hand version. Thank you!

  29. we kind of are in the same dilemma. It was fun to read your blogpost, I must admit I missed it, even though I tend to post more on instagram these days.

  30. You already know what I think of your blog. It's the only one I follow! So I hope you'll keep it up.

  31. Wonderful quilts, thanks for showing them :-)
    I still prefer blogs, I think there is more substance to them, and one gets to know the person behind the blog better. And I like to go around with my tiny camera and come home and download the pictures, sort them out, choose the best ones for my blog. I also have Instagram account, but never use it; most of the time I "need" to say something more about the pictures. But may be I just have more time :-) :-)

  32. So lovely to hear from you again! You have been missed. Like you, I am getting my UFO's done too. I surprised the garage girls yesterday by showing them a few finished tops. So, yes, keep on blogging .....

  33. So nice to hear from you again LuAnn. I really enjoy reading your blog so I do hope that you can continue, it is time consuming but worthwhile. I have joined a 2017 UFO challenge so that has helped me to post at least once a month, I am also considering joining Instagram.

  34. I love reading your blog and have missed your posts. I am so glad you are doing well and love seeing your basket blocks. 3 inches is so tiny! Hope you continue to blog, but I understand how it goes. I have not written much on my blog. I don't seem to have much quilting to write about. Welcome back!

  35. I still like blogs - I see some folks just post a photo and a few brief lines on blogs too. I wonder if there is a way to set it up so what you post on instagram will automatically post on your blog too? I know my husband posts on twitter and it goes on his facebook feed at the same time...

    I had to change my list of blogs that I follow as so many had gone dark. : (

    It is scary to think we might not finish all our projects, use up all our fabric.

    I'd better get sewing.


  36. I had lost your address and then saw it on someones side bar and came over - sorry if you will stop blogging, I am barely on instagram - prefer reading blogs then seeing a photo - the blog is more personal. To me blogging isn't work but we all have our different ways. I take a lot of photos, put them on the computer and see what I have and go from there and chat about my day - but I know some really need to think about it - maybe too much thinking and just write about your day and what you quilted? (I use my facebook for keeping in touch with family)


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and try my best to reply. If you do not have a blog, please leave your email address so I can respond to you. I truly do appreciate each and every visit.