
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Sew With Us Baskets

I'm sewing a few baskets along with Barb at Fun With Barb blog and Kelly at Pinkadot Quilts blog.   I'm not really starting a new project.  I'm just making a few blocks.  And, that's how I get into trouble.  When I last visited my friend, Michele, she gave me some triangle paper that she wasn't going to use.  I saw Barb's blog post about making these cute pieced baskets, and the triangle paper didn't have a use yet.  

This was my first basket.  I used a piece of muslin for this trial block.  I'm not sure if it shows in the photo, but there are spots of dirt on this block from my iron.  More on that later.........

This is my drawing with the cut measurements to make this block.  Note:  My triangle paper says my half square triangles finish at 1 1/2", but I trim them to 1 3/4" so they will really finish at 1 1/4".   I am going by one of the Dear Jane Mottos:   Cut it big and whack it off!

I have several more of these baskets kits prepped and set aside in baggies.  My friend Pam has told me many times about the advantages of cutting blocks and making kits so whenever there is time to sew, I can just grab a baggie and go to work.  It has only taken me about 20 years to take her advice!

We had a nice Thanksgiving with family here at our house, and we have a lot of our Christmas decorations up already including our outside lights.  Things have come to a grinding halt here because I have a cold and a lot of congestion.  It's nothing earth shaking, but right now I'm at the point where my ears are stopped up and I just want to rest my head somewhere.  So I've stopped sewing on the baskets for now, and I'm doing hand sewing.....mostly sewing hexagons.

I'm linking up with my friend, Judy, at Small Quilts and Doll for Design Wall Monday. 

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  


  1. Sweet little baskets! Makes me want to pull out some basket blocks I started a few years ago. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Beautiful little baskets; sorry to hear about the stains from the iron. I wish I was smart enough to kit some blocks in advance too. My problem is as soon as I am done cutting, I have to sew it up. So there's never any kits, lol. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. Cute baskets 😍 I hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. so small and so perfectly sewn.

  5. Weee - your blocks are so sweet! I love your fabric combinations.
    I love this tiny size! very charming

  6. Yup - cut big and trim! Learned that one the hard way long ago.
    I love the baskets! Cute pattern! Get some rest and drink fluid. I find that when I have the ears stopping up I am in trouble. I have a small facial steamer that really helps with head colds. Get well!

  7. I'm a trimmer too. Your baskets are sweet. Sorry about the iron spotting up your trial block, but better that one than the others. Feel better soon.

  8. I especially like the basket block filled with the blue stripe.


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