
Friday, January 4, 2019

Still Stitching Hexagons

Hello Everyone

Whenever I stop by someone's blog and they haven't posted for awhile, I always hope that they haven't just stopped blogging altogether.   I never mean to be away for quite so long, but one thing leads to another and before I know it, a month (or two) has passed.   

For Christmas I got a Microsoft Surface Pro so I'm trying to learn to use it.   It is lighter weight than my old laptop (and a whole lot faster), and the screen snaps off and becomes a tablet.  That makes it easier to take photos and get them into my blog.  There is a pen that is held on the side by a magnet, and I know I can do something with that.  Right now I know just enough to be dangerous, so hopefully it will all get easier.

What have I been up to?   I'm still quilting and have been doing some knitting and crochet.  I've been to Shipshewana a couple of times - once for the Jane Stickle retreat and the other time was to

Here are some of the projects I've finished since I last wrote.

This is two different versions of my 1797 Revisited quilt.  This is a reproduction of an antique quilt, and there is an Instagram group working on this quilt and sharing photos.  I bought the smaller paper pieces from Yellow Creek Designs in their booth at the Shipshewana Quilt Festival.  They measure 3/8" X 7/8".   After I went to the Jane Stickle Quilt Retreat in November and saw others using paper pieces 5/8" X 1 1/2" (also from Yellow Creek Designs), I came home and ordered a package of the larger size.   The 3/8" and 5/8" is the distance on the short side of the hexagon. That 1/4" sure makes a big difference in the overall size.   I have a lot of pieces prepped for both sizes, but I am really liking that smaller size.  I will probably end up doing something with both.

This is part of the top of the Rose of Kaleigh quilt.  I did this as a sew along on Sue Daley's blog.   This is a reproduction of an antique quilt, and the original has this part you see in the photo appliqued' to an off white fabric with a swag border around the outside.  This was a big project, and it will take awhile longer to finish it.  These are all 3/4" hexagons that were English Paper Pieced.

This is the Kingfisher Quilt done as a quilt along with bloggers Stitched in Color and Tales of Cloth.  They gave us the dimensions for the background diamonds, setting diamonds, and borders.  We did our own thing with the hexagons.  These are 1" hexagons that are English Paper Pieced.

This hexagon quilt was in the June issue of American Patchwork and Quilting.  The pattern is by Sherry McConnell of A Quilting Life blog.   The photo doesn't show it, but the backgrounds are scrappy, pieced four patches.  My friend Michele and I traded each other half of a layer cake so we both would have a lot more scrappy variety in our backgrounds.  These are also 1" hexagons that are English Paper Pieced.

I have worked on these pink and brown log cabin blocks during the last several retreats that I've attended.   I had a plan and did the math.  I multiplied the numbers instead of adding them, so you may see these pink and brown log cabin blocks for years to come...……

These are all just tops so there is a lot of quilting in my future.  There are more projects, but I need daylight to take photos.  

I've made postcards for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  

  We had a nice Christmas.  Our son treated us to Christmas at the Zoo.  It was beautiful but really cold.   The only snow we've seen here is that made by the artificial snow machine at the zoo.

Our Christmas decorations are still up including our outside lights.  We have two neighbors that still have their outside lights lit, so we will keep ours going until at least the weekend.  We've been playing games and working puzzles and just having fun.   Do you still have your Christmas decorations up?

I wish you all the happiest of New Years with good health and lots of stitching ahead.   This is a cross stitch that I did years ago.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.


  1. Lovely EPP work. The diamond shaped quilt is on my 'to do' list. Happy New Year to you and have a great stitching year!

  2. You have been so busy. I love all your projects. Hugs

  3. wonderful projects; thanks for sharing

  4. So many incredible hexie projects! You amaze me!
    Such adorable postcards. Were they for a swap, or did you send them to family or friends? It would be a delightful surprise to find one of those in your mailbox!
    I took my nativities, Santa figurines, and other tabletop decor (including quilts) down on Wednesday. I still have my main tree, and the 23 Alpine tress of all sizes all over the house, plus the lighted garlands on the piano, 2 hutches, and loft railing--and outdoor lights. So in some ways it still looks like Christmas here. :)

  5. So happy to see you in Blogland again. I always think the worst when someone isn't blogging anymore. :(
    Your projects are all wonderful. What a different a 1/4 inch makes. WOW! Looking forward to see these two grow. Wishing you all the best for the new year. ;^)

  6. I always enjoy seeing your work!
    I am happy we both are back blogging :-)

  7. So fun to see all your amazing projects! It's surprising how much difference there is in the paper pieces measurements. My favorite of all is your pink and brown log cabins--it's going to be gorgeous!

  8. Love your pink, brown and ecru log cabin quilt. How big are you making it? Love those colors together.

  9. Whenever I see fussy cut hexies, your lovely work comes to the pink and brown log cabin quilt...I made one a quite a few years ago after seeing Little Women. Marcus Fabrics (Judy Rothermel) came out with a wonderful pink and brown collection around that time that was so popular. Your quilt will be a classic!

  10. Love your hexie projects LuAnn and I especially love your Christmas cross-stich, such beautiful words.

  11. Thanks for sharing your projects with us. Your blog is very cool. A lot of inspirational posts can be found here. It's fantastic that you share such post :)
    Regards, ctnbee


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