
Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Day of Quilting

Today I spent the day quilting and visiting with friends that I used to sew with once a month at one of our favorite quilt stores.  The store closed almost a year ago now, and some of us hadn't seen each other since then.  We did a little quilting, some eating and a lot of talking.  Our leader invited us to her home today.  Here are some photos of just a very few of her quilts.  She really knows how to use them to decorate, and they are just gorgeous. 
     This beautiful autumn quilt was hanging right inside the front door.  This is a Judy Martin quilt.  I have one that is very similar to this one.   I believe that Judy came here to do a workshop on this quilt. 
This quilt is hanging above the fireplace.  This is in one of Sally Collins' books, and it is just striking. 
This one was on the wall of the familly room. 

More beautiful quilts.
A display with a miniature quilt on the doll bed.
The view going up the stairs. 
We really did do some sewing and had show and tell.  I'll save the show and tell for next time.   Happy stitching!!!!  


  1. Wow...I want to move in with HER!!! I love houses filled with quilts! I, too, live in a padded world (my husband calls it a padded cells).

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  2. What beautiful quilts displayed so nicely.

  3. Beautiful quilts. Makes my house seem quite naked.

  4. Wow...those are beautiful quilts! One day I hope to got to that point, but that's a long way off!

  5. What lovely quilts, I enjoyed looking at each one of them, thanks for sharing.

  6. A nice way to spend the day and look at all the beautiful quilts!

  7. what a beautiful home, love seeing the quilts thanks for sharing...
    glad you were able to get together with everyone
    how special

  8. Pretty! I love that leaf quilt, they look like they are falling.


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