
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My House

Since I posted photos of my friend's house last time, I thought I would post some photos of my house:
OK.  Well this isn't really my house.  Hubby and I are on vacation this week in Ashville, North Carolina.  Today we visited Biltmore House.  We spent about 2 hours or a little more inside there, and I'm going back again tomorrow.  There are 255 rooms with 43 bathrooms.  I know we are all thinking how long it would take to clean that place up.  That wouldn't leave much time for quilting, right?

This is the sentry that guards the door.
Another part of the front of the house.
This is the fountain on the esplanade. 
This is the view from one of the upper balconies.  And, as Miss Elizabeth Bennett said, "I don't think I've ever seen a place so happily situated." 

A view of the house from the water gardens.
If you notice, there are no photos of the inside of the house.  Photography of any kind - even with a cell phone - is forbidden.  And, those of you who know me probably expect that I found someone in charge and asked them why.  Well, yes I did.  One reason is that the flash photography would damage some of the artifacts (I already figured that one out, but there are ways around using your flash).  Then the guy said something about not wanting anyone to case the joint.  I must have given him a look when he said that because then he said, "And, we sell a book with photographs of every room for $12.50."  I just kept looking at him, and he finally said "That's probably the real reason."   So I have no photographs of the inside. 

Hubby is golfing tomorrow, and I'm going back to Biltmore again.  I'll probably wander the gardens and maybe go back inside the house.  There is one area inside that I would really like to have a photo of.  I would hate to end up on the NC most wanted list.  Hope you are all having a good day and doing some stitching. 


  1. What a hoot!! I love your house.
    :-D I'm sure 43 bathrooms are a really good reason there are no quilts made by the owners! Lord knows I can't even clean TWO bathrooms and keep up with my quilting!!! Beautiful vacation, though, huh? Enjoy!
    Mary Lou

  2. Thanks for the tour. This is one place I have always wanted to visit. I saw a special on PBS once on one of the gardening shows and they toured mostly the grounds and greenhouse. What a fabulous place. Can't wait to see the rest.

  3. There better be a quilting studio somewhere in "your" big ol' house! I saw a tour of the house once on Public TV - some series they did on "American castles." I don't think you could have a sewing space that looks like mine in that mansion!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  4. Oh do you remember me visiting "your" house a few years ago??? LOL
    I loved touring the Biltmore and I would love to go back during Christmas time to see it all decked out.

    Did you go to the Winery? I did and it was fun!

  5. What a coincidence! Jim and I lived there a few years back. I loved seeing the estate and did buy the book. I'm pretty sure I was allowed to take pictures, though. I'll have to double check.


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