
Thursday, February 3, 2011

One Flower Wednesday and Ice Storm

This is my hexagon flower for One Flower Wednesday over on Karen's blog, Journey of a Quilter.  I've been working on Roll Roll Cotton Boll trying to get the top finished so there is only one flower for today.
I was busy over the weekend working on my center for this year's round robin.  I'm working with the same group of girls that were in our group last year.  This is my quilt from last year, and I'm really thrilled with it. 
We have had an ice storm over the last couple of days.  It started Monday evening around 6 in the evening.  Two hours later our deck looked like this:
 Here are photos from today.  I took these standing in the garage.....not on the ice.
 The bushes are so pretty all coated with ice.   We have a lot of smaller limbs down, but luckily we didn't lose power at all during the storm. 
This was a chunk of ice that my husband chipped off right outside of our garage doors.  This one is an inch and a half thick.  We had sleet, freezing rain, and then it melted and refroze.  A lot slid off of the roof, and there is a build-up in front of our garage doors that we are going to try to chip away tomorrow.  Then we can put sand or kitty litter on the sloped part of the driveway so we can get some traction as we try and back out.
Me?  Well, I have fabric, yarn, chocolate, and I'm just fine here until it melts.  Hope you all are finding some time to do some stitching.  I know I will! 


  1. Dear LuAnn,
    your quilt from last year is great, beautiful colors and very good work. Your hexogon looks very nice, I love the fabric with the flowers. It's time for spring!!!
    I hope the ice storm will stop soon. Take care and enjoy your sewing room.
    Have a nice day with chocolate and coffee

  2. The snow is glorious! It's so very hot and humid in Brisbane. Just looking at your photos is cooling me down. :-)

  3. Oh my, it looks brutal there! So glad you don't have to be anywhere.

  4. What a pretty flower! Oh and that ice looks so cold. Never been in an ice storm and it does not snow here. The pics are so pretty but I'm glad I don't have to deal with it. Keep warm!

  5. I love your string quilt, I got som inspired so I;ll start as soon as I went for my morning walk.
    Have a great day, stay warm, and don't eat yellow snow.

  6. I love your round robin from last year and your flower tells me warmer days ahead!

  7. Loved your photos of the snow...hope you stay warm.

    That one quilt is just awesome!!

  8. What a lovely flowers. It reminds me of a nice sunny springday.
    Your round robin is very beautiful.

  9. Brrrrrr...those pictures are pretty to look at from a distance.

    I have a Dear Jane siggie quilt too, but I really love the Christmas one!

  10. Eine schöne Frühlingsblume. Schade, dass von Frühling noch nichts zu sehen ist. Bei uns pfeift derzeit der Sturm ums Haus und es regnet....
    Gut das ich im Warmen sitze!

    Viele Grüße!

  11. My dear LuAnn, your quilt fron the last year is so pretty.
    Your blog is olways like flowers garden...
    Enjoy your day and your sewing!!!

  12. Just beautiful!! I recognize that center applique block!! :-) Edyta's designs are so versatile.


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