
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Scrappy Sewing Saturday

Today is scrappy Saturday over at SoScrappy blog.  The color Angela chose for the February challenge is red.  Since Valentine's Day is this month, I designed this quilt in Electric Quilt.  There isn't a string block in the block library, so I drew one.
I sorted my red and neutral scraps.  My scraps are sorted mostly by strip width instead of color so it took awhile to go through all of my scraps.
I made a few string blocks today.  I normally draw a line down the center of the foundation paper before I start to sew, but there really is no need to do that because you can just place your ruler down the center of the block between the colors if you are doing a two color block.  I trimmed these to 8 1/2".
I still have 32 blocks to sew, but here is what the quilt looks like on my design wall so far.   These string blocks are pretty addictive.  I chain pieced them through my machine this afternoon while watching a movie. 

We had 3 or 4 inches of snow today on top of the ice coating that is still covering everything.  We really didn't need any more winter weather, but it did look pretty coming down.

Hope you all had some time to take a few stitches today.  Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  


  1. Hi LuAnn
    You're so productive! I love the Valentine quilt you designed and am intrigued as to what the centre of your new round robin will be. Will I see it completed later this year?

    You have snow and ice storms, we have strong winds coming in off the Atlantic. The snow, mercifully, is skirting the very north of Scotland, but the snowdrops are out and hopefully Spring is just around the corer.

  2. You have been so busy and made a beautiful Valentine Heart.
    Have a nice sunday!

  3. Your large part of the heart is already done! Wow, does it ever look great. You have so much done for the red scrappy sewing already and the month has hardly even started. Thanks for visiting my blog this weekend.

  4. You have been busy stitching your beautiful heart.

  5. Love the heart...looks awesome!

  6. Fabulous heart design. I am also a big fan of string blocks. This looks like something I can totally relate to.

  7. I love your Valentine! It is wonderful! String blocks are addicting, aren't they?
    Lovely snow pics. Almost makes me wish we had some here. . . . almost!

  8. Wow! You got a lot done. String blocks must be addictive if you were able to power through that many in a day. I love all the variety in the reds you are using. It adds nice motion to the quilt.

  9. I love this February project!! Wow! We had a surprise snowfall on Saturday of almost 6 inches. They made such a big deal about the blizzard, where we got 9 inches, then said NOTHING about what we got on Saturday. I think they were all taking time off after the blizzard! ha-ha!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  10. Your Valentine heart is lovely. That will be an impressive quilt!
    I browsed your blog, and I love your DJ siggyquilt too.
    Thank you for visiting my blog! I am following you too now.
    Have a nice day,

  11. That heart quilt is so awesome! I love that you designed it with strings. It's going to be gorgeous!

  12. Love it!! It's going to be such a striking quilt when it's done!

  13. This is beautiful!!...what a great job...



  14. What a neat heart/string quilt! So pretty. I am very fond of your collage heading on your page also!

  15. I really like what you are doing with your red stripes. This will be a beautiful heart quilt soon!

  16. Love this valentine quilt! I think I will file it away and make it for next valentine's day. Love your blog.


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