Tuesday, March 18, 2025

More Progress on Projects

As you can see by scrolling through this post, I've been busy.   I've scrapped my plan for the Jemima's Creative Quilting Mystery 2025 and switched to the colors below.   I love fall colors especially the rust color, and I like this color pallet a lot better.   I also fussy cut 7 hexagons from another fabric, but those will go into another project.  I know I could finish more things if I just picked something and stuck with it.  Click the link above if you want to join in.  

The photo below shows a bit of the process I go through when putting a hexagon project together.   My favorite size is 3/4" hexagons, so if I'm not fussy cutting I cut 2 1/2" squares.   Then to make the hexagons I just lay a plastic template on top of a stack of squares and trim the corners.   This is a lot faster than using a rotary cutter and cutting out each hexagon individually.   You can see that I end up with a lot of extra squares.   These all go into a bag for future projects. 

This is bird number 6 for my Cousin's Walk quilt.   There are 28 applique' bird blocks.   

This is my first border for the Just Judie quilt.   

The quilt is the one shown on the cover of this book.   I  have the hexagon center all pieced, and I basted all of the diamonds for the border.   But I decided I really liked the look of leaves in the border better, so I'm taking the diamond papers out and turning them into leaves.   I'm doing needle turn applique' so this will take awhile to finish.....especially since I keep switching projects.   

The corners are supposed to a diamond flower, but I'm changing that to a hexagon flower.   

  I live in Indianapolis, and the weather has been crazy.   We were at my son's Sunday for family birthday celebrations, and right before dark we noticed there was sleet on his deck.   Today it's 70, and we have the windows open.   Tomorrow there's a wind advisory, and they are predicting snow flurries for Thursday morning.   It's really true.   If you don't like the weather, stick around awhile and it will change.  

I'm linking to Judy's Design Wall Monday post.    

Until next time.....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Starting Another Project?

This past Monday I started another hexagon mystery quilt over at Jemima's Quilting Blog.   The first clue showed up in my email Monday, and I'd bought these blue fabrics to use in the mystery.  The quilt will be started in the center, and this is how mine would look.  I'm using 3/4" hexagons.  Well, after I let this sit and percolate overnight, Tuesday morning I decided that I really don't like this.   And I know if I don't like it going in, I won't keep up with it.   So now I'm on to plan B.   I haven't quite figured out what that is yet.  This mystery is completely free.  Just click on the link above.  

This is as far as I got on last year's mystery quilt.   I'm thinking that I should get the fabrics out for this one and finish it.   But you all know how tempting it is to start a new quilt.

While pondering what fabrics to use on the mystery quilt, I finished another bird block for my Cousin's Walk quilt.  This is bird number 4, but I have 5 appliqued'.   (I skipped around.)

I also added the outer border on my Lil' Sugar Chain quilt by Vicki Bellino.   Carla, Nancy, and I ended up at Caroline's Cottage Cottons in Rome City at the same time last November so we decided we needed to start a project together.  This little quilt measures 30" X 32".   My border is wider, so it might be just a bit larger than that.   

Our two grandsons were here for the weekend.   The oldest who is almost 13 taught me how to do a collage for my blog header.   It's really true that if you want to do something on your computer or phone, just ask someone younger!  

I think I'm going to look through my stash to see if I can find something interesting just in case I want to start the Jemima's Mystery Hexagon 2025 quilt.  

Until next time.....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.  

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Cousin's Walk Quilt Blocks

 Hello Friends

Twice a year I've been going to the Dear Jane retreat (now called the Jane Stickle retreat) up in Shipshewana, Indiana.  That's about 3 hours north of where I live.  I've missed two or three retreats, but for the most part I've been going twice a year for 20+ years.  There are a lot of accomplished quilters in the group, and most of them aren't afraid to jump in and try something new.  There are a lot of times that I jump right in and go along with them.   

One of the girls got permission to make copies of the out of print Cousin's Walk pattern so we could all jump in together.   The date on the envelope that she mailed my patterns in is dated December 2022.   I started shortly after that and did the first two or three birds.  OK.    I left parts off of them like flower centers, eyes and some leaves.   I've pulled them back out and added all the missing parts, and I plan to continue.  In all honesty, I'm not much of a planner.  When I get up in the morning, I usually work on whatever I'm in the mood for.   

Right now I'm working on block 4.  The first photo is blocks 1, 2, 3 and 5. I'm working on block 4 now.  I can see why I skipped it because it had more flowers and leaves than the others.  

The original quilt has most birds done in reds and cheddars.  I hardly ever do a pattern as it was designed so I've done a bird in brown and another in blue.  I'll probably do more in other colors, too.  

Here's the cover from the original pattern.  I think I might do something different in the center, and I'm not sure about the border either.  For right now I'm enjoying the applique'.   Most of my handwork is usually stitching hexagons, but I'm enjoying the needle turn applique' on these blocks.  


Until next time.....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.  

Monday, February 24, 2025

Winter Update

Hello Blog Friends

I'm finding that writing a blog post after so much time has gone by is like writing a letter to a friend that you've known since childhood, but you've somehow lost touch.  It's just hard to know where to begin.  During COVID I mostly watched YouTube videos of quilters and cross stitchers.  It was like spending time with a friend.  Lately, I've really enjoyed reading blogs again, and I'm excited to see that a lot of you are still writing blog posts.   Since I've enjoyed reading and seeing what all of you are doing, I thought I'd start to write again.   Not many days go by that I don't work on some kind of craft, so I'll take some photos soon and post them.   I had these photos of my winter decorations so thought I'd start with those.   For this first post I mainly wanted to see if I could change the header and still get photos into a post.

For a change we had some show this winter.  We got 9" of snow during this storm.   It actually snowed during the day when we could watch it.   I enjoy watching the birds on the feeder.   These are my two finch feeders.   Under the tree over to the right of the photo I have another feeder, seed cake holder and a suet cake holder.    

Here are some of my friends that come up to eat the seed that falls off the feeders.   I put a pile of seed under the tree for them.   When I go out back and shake the feed container, they come up out of the pond and toward the tree.  They're spoiled, and I'm not sure what the neighbors think.  

I like winter because I really enjoy the fireplace.   It's gas so starts up with the flip of a switch.  It's not messy, and there's no wood chopping.   

This is a quilt pattern that I designed.   I had fun with the wool applique' and embroidery in the center.   I still like handwork and have just started working on an applique' project.

This is a table topper made from one of my patterns.   The colors didn't come out looking quite like they should.   We have so many gray days in winter that it's hard to get good photos sometimes.

I bought this giant tiered tray when a lot of other cross stitchers were doing the same.  It's a good way to display seasonal cross stitching.

I love these little patterns from Small Town Needleworks on Etsy.  I have the January stitch fastened on the backer with double sided tape so I can change it out monthly.   I only have November and December left to stitch.  Somehow February has gotten away from me, so I might just skip to March.

My youngest  Grandson belongs to a service club at his school, and toward the end of year they collect knit/crochet hats and scarves to donate to our local pantry.   I'm getting a head start this year.  Knitting these hats and scarves is more relaxing than any other craft, I think.  This is an easy hat pattern.  I'll share more of the hats and scarves that I have finished in a later post along with the patterns.   

Until next time.....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.  

Friday, April 14, 2023

April Update

I really did intend to keep updating my blog, but time just seems to be flying by.   My last post had photos from the fall Jane Stickle retreat in Shipshewana, and I'm heading to the spring retreat early next week.  

This photo is from my newest pattern called All American.   I love making Dresden plate blocks.   I hate to tell you how long I had the Easy Dresden ruler before I ever took it out of the package, but it was a really long time.   These Dresden plates are made using a Creative Grids 30 degree ruler.   You sew them the same as you do the pieces cut with the Easy Dresden ruler, but there are less blades to sew so it goes together faster.   You can click on the image on my sidebar to take you to my Etsy shop.   The pattern is also available at Back Door Quilts here in Greenwood, IN.

I decided to join in on the Jemima's Creative Quilting annual mystery quilt along.  The next round has 12 hexagon flowers and will take some time to stitch.  I might take this project along to the retreat next week.  According to the next part that was released, I should use green on the next round of hexagons, but I'm thinking I might switch it up and do something different.  

Here's another hexagon project I have started.  This one is the Tea and Cake quilt from the book Quilts for Life 2 by Judy Newman.  I have the next round cut for this quilt.  You can really create a lot of different designs from the simple hexagon shape.

These next 2 blocks are from the Judy Newman pattern Beehive Coverlet.  These blocks are fun but kind of confusing to create a secondary design.  There are 67 hexagons in each block, so each one is kind of a mini quilt. 

I'm still cross stitching, too.  These are some of the stitches from one of my St. Patrick's displays.  These patterns are by Stitching with the Housewives.  

The pillow in the tiered tray is a design by Helen D found as eastcoastcrafter on Instagram.  The table topper is made from my pattern Sunburst Dresden Table Topper.  It's a quilt as you go pattern so comes together pretty quickly.  

These next few stitches are from the pattern A Year in the Round by Kim and Jade of Small Town Needleworks.  These patterns are so cute and a lot of fun to stitch.  I have May downloaded and am ready to start stitching on it.  

This pillow is a design from Primrose Cottage.  I made this into a small pillow for the smalls exchange at the retreat with Two Tall Stitchers Carol and Jen.  This was my first time at this retreat.  It's nice to meet others that share your interest in stitching.  Cross stitch retreats are becoming a "thing" just like quilt retreats.  Both are a lot of fun.

This was the small that I drew in the smalls exchange.  It was made by Jen @jenquilter on Instagram.  I have this displayed in my sewing area along with tomato pincushions that belonged to my Mom and Mother-in-law.  The little wicker basket is where my Mom kept her needle and thread.  

Here's a small spring stitch I did.  This is a design by Erin Elizabeth.  

I didn't plant any tulips last fall, so these in my family room will do until I plant some.  The weather here has turned to spring with warm days and cool evenings.  Most yards have been mowed once or twice, and the daffodils are blooming.   Hope the weather is great where you are.

Until next time.....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.  

Thursday, December 8, 2022

I'm going to try to work my way through the quilt blocks that I've started and never put together into a top.  This pattern is Antique Baskets by Brandywine Design.  The pattern has more baskets, but I'm stopping at 16 to make a wall hanging.  The handles are embroidered.  I used a product called Transfer Eze.  You can see more photos of the blocks and a photo of the pattern here.    I'm trying to choose a sashing fabric from my stash.  I'm not sure about either of these fabrics.  

I've started a new hexagon project.  One of the girls at the Jane Stickle quilt retreat gave me a package of hexagon papers that she didn't want  I thought that was a sign that I should start a new hexagon  project.  I'm using my stash of Tilda fabrics.     

Here are just a few photos from my trip to Shipshewana.  Each time I pull up to the side of Yoders Department Store , there are more barn quilts.  These are over on the side of the store that has all the fabric.  

Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus are standing out front of the entrance into the hardware/department store side of Yoders.  

The Amish were in town on Saturday to do their shopping.  

This is a new to me popcorn store.  It's called The Dutch Kernel, and there are lots of different flavors including Snicker Doodle, Cheddar Caramel and Pizza flavor.  They have a website, and you can order online.   

This is a wreath that I wish I'd bought.  

The town was all decorated for Christmas.  

I love time spent there with friends.  It had been 3 years since I'd been to the retreat.  I had a great time even though I didn't get much sewing done.  I embroidered 3 basket handles during the retreat.  That was pretty much it.  But, that's ok.  Catching up with friends and having fun was more important.  

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you're finding some time to stitch today.  

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