Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Cousin's Walk Quilt Blocks

 Hello Friends

Twice a year I've been going to the Dear Jane retreat (now called the Jane Stickle retreat) up in Shipshewana, Indiana.  That's about 3 hours north of where I live.  I've missed two or three retreats, but for the most part I've been going twice a year for 20+ years.  There are a lot of accomplished quilters in the group, and most of them aren't afraid to jump in and try something new.  There are a lot of times that I jump right in and go along with them.   

One of the girls got permission to make copies of the out of print Cousin's Walk pattern so we could all jump in together.   The date on the envelope that she mailed my patterns in is dated December 2022.   I started shortly after that and did the first two or three birds.  OK.    I left parts off of them like flower centers, eyes and some leaves.   I've pulled them back out and added all the missing parts, and I plan to continue.  In all honesty, I'm not much of a planner.  When I get up in the morning, I usually work on whatever I'm in the mood for.   

Right now I'm working on block 4.  The first photo is blocks 1, 2, 3 and 5. I'm working on block 4 now.  I can see why I skipped it because it had more flowers and leaves than the others.  

The original quilt has most birds done in reds and cheddars.  I hardly ever do a pattern as it was designed so I've done a bird in brown and another in blue.  I'll probably do more in other colors, too.  

Here's the cover from the original pattern.  I think I might do something different in the center, and I'm not sure about the border either.  For right now I'm enjoying the applique'.   Most of my handwork is usually stitching hexagons, but I'm enjoying the needle turn applique' on these blocks.  


Until next time.....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.  


  1. Your birds look very nice. Hopefully I'll see them this spring, happy appliqueing!

    1. I plan to bring my birds when I see you in April. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. These look great! Love your idea about different colors for the birds. How big are the blocks? Are they all different?

    1. Hi Meredith. Nice to hear from you. My birds will finish at 9". I've reduced mine to 75% of the original. Each bird is different, and I think I'll continue to put a different color bird in once in awhile. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


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