Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hexagons for Rotherfield Grey

I've been working on more hexagons.  These are 5/8" and are for the fifth border of the Rotherfield Grey quilt.

These hexagons are supposed to be random, and once I started making them I couldn't seem to stop.  

It was a lot of fun dipping into my scrap bag to use tiny pieces I have saved.

I'm working on border 3 right now and hope to have it finished soon.  You can see the leaves that have fallen on my deck.  I heard that we might see a few snow flurries tonight........It's too early, and I'm not going to look.

Thanks to everyone that wrote me about posting from my IPad.  I think I have figured out how to size the photos now so will give it another try soon.

I hope you are doing some stitching today.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You have been very busy.....!!
    They look great......

  2. Wow, what a wonderful collection of those scrappy hexies!
    I love that, LuAnn. If you don't look, it didn't really snow!! : )

  3. Those tiny hexies are beautiful. They look so pretty scattered on the deck among the real autumn leaves. Snow is so pretty... how can you not look ;o)

  4. The picture with the leaves is awesome!

  5. Your little hexies are gorgeous LuAnn and the photo of them with the leaves is inspired!

  6. your hexies are sooo cute - love the photo with the leaves!

  7. so pretty! I won't be sewing but I am planning to transfer embroidery images to fabric using my light box.
    Snow? brr, it's a mild 15'C here in England.

  8. The hexagons are so awesome and so cute, I cannot wait to get to that part.

  9. I don't know if you would be interested, there is a new group on Facebook just for Di Fords quilts. Let me know and I'll send you details if you would like to join the group.

  10. They look like so much fun and so addicting!

  11. I really like your random hexagons a lot! the colors are luscious...hugs, Julierose

  12. Beautiful hexagons, I love them and the fabrics too.
    Have a nice day and take care

  13. You have definitely found the zone. They look great.

  14. Those are great! I was able to buy my copy of Primarily Quilts - pricey but well worth it for all the fabulous patterns in it. I think my first one will be Oh, Dear, Mrs. Tompkins. Thanks for the lead to the store!!

  15. Your hexagon flowers are beautiful! I love the picture of them on your deck. We got a little snow last weekend and the weather has been unseasonably cold here in MN. I am not ready for winter yet.

  16. Hi LuAnn
    Kim and I would like blogging tips in Shipshewana. Would you be available to answer our questions on Friday or Saturday? My collage picture seems to have expanded well beyond boundaries. How do I contain it?

  17. Your Rotherfield hexies are fantastic - just like potato chips aren't they!!?


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