Saturday, November 26, 2022

Fall/Thanksgiving Wrap Up

Hello everyone.   I know it's been awhile.  I've just come back from my semi annual quilt retreat in Shipshewana, Indiana.   That was my first time being there in 3 years.  It was wonderful to see old friends and meet some new ones.  Several people asked what happened to my blog.   I've been over on Instagram lately.  My user name is loosethreads_luann if you want to follow me over there.  I've also been doing mostly cross stitch lately, but after being at the quilt retreat I'm inspired to do a bit of quilting.   

We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner here with family and friends.   My Grandsons helped  pick up my fall decorations and take them to the basement.   As soon as I get those things organized and stored away, it's full speed to Christmas decorating.   We have the outside Christmas lights up.  It's snowed already here in Indiana, but we had a couple days that were close to 60 degrees so we took advantage of the nice weather to do the outside.  OK.   I was supervision and did some pre Thanksgiving meal prep while my husband and daughter did the outside decorating.   Before we picked up the fall decorations, I took a few photos.  

This is the fall table centerpiece I made from some picks and a pumpkin from Hobby Lobby.   Underneath everything is my Sunburst Dresden Table Topper made in fall colors.  You can find the table topper pattern in my Etsy shop here.  

Everything here came from Hobby Lobby.  This is a glass jar with felt pumpkins that came on a long stem.  I just pulled them off and filled the jar.  The jar is sitting in a small wreath.

I just happened to go to Hobby Lobby for something on the Monday that all fall decor went from 50% off to 65% off.   I came home with the fall sign, the galvanized pumpkin container, and all of the pumpkins in the bucket.   There was an overflow that I'll use somewhere next year!

Here are some of my fall quilts.  I love the color teal so I try to add some teal to my decorating every season.  This leaf quilt was from a pattern by Judy Martin.

I did this one when watercolor quilts were popular.  It was folded up as just a top for a long time.  I decided to do a little machine quilting on it so I could display it.  I made it so long ago that the book is gone, and I don't remember the designer.  I have a stack of quilt tops that I'm hoping to quilt my way through this winter.  


This is a twisted bargello.  I combined directions from a magazine and a pattern that I bought at a quilt show.  This one is a one and done.   I'm glad I made it but won't do it again.  

The Lone Star is easy to make using a product called Quiltsmart.  Quiltsmart is  foundation paper piecing using cut rectangles.  There are no bias edges, and it's the perfect way to make a Lone Star quilt.   

I love this little pumpkin wall hanging made from a pattern by Cluck Cluck Sew.  The pattern is called Mini Pumpkins and can be found on Etsy.

This one is on the bed in the guest room.   The applique' block in the center is from a quilt I started and didn't finish.   The rest is squares and half square triangles.

These are just a few of the cross stitch pillows I finished for fall and Halloween.  

I found this pillow at Home Goods and decided I needed a fall afghan to go with it.   I don't know if I'll get this one finished until next year.   Once a season is past, I move on to the next.   Unfinished projects get stored away until the next year.  I'm going to have to start working a couple of seasons ahead to be ready in time to decorate.   

I know this post is a bit scattered, but lately I've been looking up some of the bloggers that I used to read to see if they are still posting.   I've found some and have enjoyed reading them again.   I've subscribed to some that are quilting, cross stitch, and a combination of both.  Some have a little crochet and knitting.  I've always enjoyed different crafts, so you may see several different things here.  

Until next time.....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.


  1. I'm glad you posted LuAnn and I enjoyed the post. Have a blessed Christmas! Show those quilts on your blog that you're going to quilt this winter, happy stitching!

  2. sew glad to find you again. I lost contact with so many of the quilt blogs I followed earlier this year. I do not twitter nor instagram. Only email and facebook so was glad to find you here. So far we have had snowflakes, but no snow sticking here. Wind sure is gusting though. May just have to get sewing again.


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